here for the Midwest Mini Sprint
Registration Form
Friday September 20th – Circle City
Raceway – 18 entries
Hoosier Speed quick time: Eli Wilhelmus
SPEC Racing Engine heat winners: Wilhelmus,
Hoosier Tire/Rod End Supply
Podium Feature event: Knieriem, Knoke, Webber
Wilwood Brakes, good break of the race:
Webber Podium
Saldana Racing Products, Lucky 13th place:
Hinchman top running rookie:
SK Powder Coating Hard Charger: Webber
Afco Shocking Moment of race: Race for the
win Knieriem and Knoke
Remax Local B-Main winner:
Midwest Dyno Services Provisional starter:
Feature Results:
Cody Knieriem
Elijah Knoke
Eric Webber
Brian McCrary
Nolan Kiefer
Scott Albrecht
Jordan Shipley
Logan Harris
Samantha Alloway
Mike Badgley
Luke Ringham
Nick McKannan
Steve Justis
Justin Englehardt
Eli Wilhelmus
Johnson Ginder
Jeremy Schnepper
Jason Horvath
Saturday September 14th – Tri-State
Speedway – 20 entries
Hoosier Speed quick time: Elijah Knoke
SPEC Racing Engine heat winners: Baumeyer,
Hoosier Tire/Rod End Supply
Podium Feature event: Wilhelmus,
Justis, Knoke
Wilwood Brakes, good break of the race:
Baumeyer heat win
Saldana Racing Products, Lucky 13th place:
Scott Hoover
Hinchman top running rookie: Roell
SK Powder Coating Hard Charger: Webber
Afco Shocking Moment of race: Loose wheel
Remax Local B-Main winner:
Midwest Dyno Services Provisional starter:
Feature Results:
Eli Wilhelmus
Steve Justis
Elijah Knoke
Parker Baumeyer
Mike Larrison
Johnson Ginder
Dean Parker
Nolan Kiefer
Brian McCrary
Chase Hoefling
Eric Webber
Cody Knieriem
Scott Hoover
Logan Harris
Jeremy Schnepper
Justin Englehardt
Jake Roell
Brenden Chew
Jaylon Mills DNS
Jordan Shipley DNS
Saturday August 24th – Paragon Speedway
– 27 entries
Hoosier Speed quick time: Steve Justis
SPEC Racing Engine heat winners: Larrison,
Knieriem, Wilhelmus
Hoosier Tire/Rod End Supply
Podium Feature event: Whitney,
Larrison, Shipley
Wilwood Brakes, good break of the race:
Whitney pass for $1000
Saldana Racing Products, Lucky 13th place:
Steve Justis
Hinchman top running rookie: Roell
SK Powder Coating Hard Charger: Knoke
Afco Shocking Moment of race: Larrison
avoiding disaster to finish
Remax Local B-Main winner: Garry Spencer
Midwest Dyno Services Provisional starter:
Brian McCrary
Feature Results:
Reed Whitney
Mike Larrison
Jordan Shipley
Elijah Knoke
Eli Wilhelmus
Cody Knieriem
Jake Roell
Bryan Brewer
Dean Parker
Scott Albrecht
Brandon Justus
Samantha Alloway
Steve Justis
Gabe Tyra
Logan Harris
Collin Jackson
Scott Hoover
Garry Spencer
Brian McCrary
Jeremy Schnepper
Johnson Ginder
Saturday August 17th – Tri-State
Speedway – 27 entries
Hoosier Speed quick time: Eli Wilhelmus
SPEC Racing Engine heat winners: Wilhelmus,
Knoke, Knieriem
Hoosier Tire/Rod End Supply
Podium Feature event: Wilhelmus,
Roell, Knieriem
Wilwood Brakes, good break of the race:
$2000 Wilhelmus
Saldana Racing Products, Lucky 13th place:
Logan Harris
Hinchman top running rookie: Roell
SK Powder Coating Hard Charger: Parker
Afco Shocking Moment of race: Little Roell
was on it!!!
Remax Local B-Main winner: Eric Webber
Midwest Dyno Services Provisional starter:
Jeremy Schnepper
Feature Results:
Eli Wilhelmus
Jake Roell
Cody Knieriem
Elijah Knoke
Parker Baumeyer
Jordan Shipley
Dean Parker
Bryan Brewer
Steve Justis
Brandon Justus
Samantha Alloway
Scott Hoover
Logan Harris
Johnson Ginder
Collin Jackson
Jeremy Schnepper
Nolan Kiefer
Mike Larrison
Chase Hoefling
Eric Webber
Justin Englehardt
Friday August 9th – Circle City Raceway
– 25 entries
Hoosier Speed quick time:
Elijah Knoke
SPEC Racing Engine heat
winners: Knoke, Knieriem,
Tire/Rod End Supply Podium
Feature event: Brewer,
Wilwood Brakes, good
break of the race: Brewer
first $1000 winner
Saldana Racing Products,
Lucky 13th place: Logan
Hinchman top running
rookie: Roell
SK Powder Coating Hard
Charger: Wilhelmus
Afco Shocking Moment of
race: nice black smooth
quick race track
Remax Local B-Main
winner: McCrary
Midwest Dyno Services
Provisional starter:
Feature Results:
Bryan Brewer
Brandon Justus
Cody Knieriem
Jordan Shipley
Jake Roell
Eli Wilhelmus
Scott Albrecht
Elijah Knoke
Dean Parker
Samantha Alloway
Jeremy Schnepper
Steve Justis
Logan Harris
Brian McCrary
Scott Hoover
Larry Kee
Jason Horvath
Justin Englehardt
Chase Hoefling
Nolan Kiefer
Brenden Chew
Meadows DNS, Webber DNS,
Eastin DSN
Saturday August 3rd – Tri-State Speedway
– 20 (invited) entries
Hoosier Speed quick time: Johnson Ginder
SPEC Racing Engine heat winners: Wilhelmus,
Hoosier Tire/Rod End Supply
Podium Feature event: Shipley, Justis,
Wilwood Brakes, good break of the race:
Saldana Racing Products, Lucky 13th place:
Jeremy Schnepper
Hinchman top running rookie: Roell
SK Powder Coating Hard Charger: Brian
Afco Shocking Moment of race: Albrecht
tumble of front
Remax Local B-Main winner:
Midwest Dyno Services Provisional starter:
Feature Results:
Jordan Shipley
Steve Justis
Parker Baumeyer
Johnson Ginder
Jake Roell
Scott Hoover
Samantha Alloway
Brian McCrary
Logan Harris
Eli Wilhelmus
Scott Albrecht
Nolan Kiefer
Jeremy Schnepper
Collin Jackson
Eric Webber
Mike Larrison
Brandon Justus
Garry Spencer
Cody Knieriem
Brenden Chew
Saturday July 27th – Paragon Speedway –
31 entries
Hoosier Speed quick time: Reid Whitney
SPEC Racing Engine heat winners: Whitney,
Justis, Knieriem, Knoke
Hoosier Tire/Rod End Supply Podium
Feature event: Brewer,
Whitney, Justus
Wilwood Brakes, good break of the race:
Wilhelmus to back up car
to save point lead
Saldana Racing Products, Lucky 13th place:
Samantha Alloway
Hinchman top running rookie: Roell
SK Powder Coating Hard Charger: Eli
Afco Shocking Moment of race: 2 races 2
podiums, Whitney
Remax Local B-Main winner: Parker
Midwest Dyno Services Provisional starter:
Johnson Ginder
Feature Results:
Bryan Brewer
Reed Whitney
Brandon Justus
Eli Wilhelmus
Jake Roell
Steve Justis
Jordan Shipley
Dean Parker
Scott Albrecht
Johnson Ginder
Eric Webber
Parker Baumeyer
Samantha Alloway
Travis Stickels
David Jackson
Garry Spencer
Lucas Eastin
Logan Harris
Jeremy Schnepper
Cody Knieriem
Elijah Knoke
Thursday July 25th – Brownstown Speedway
– 20 entries
Hoosier Speed quick time: Eli Whilhelmus
SPEC Racing Engine heat winners: Brewer,
Hoosier Tire/Rod End Supply
Podium Feature event: Wilhelmus, K.
Roell, R. Whitney
Wilwood Brakes, good break of the race:
Whitney first race with
MMSA, Podium finish
Saldana Racing Products, Lucky 13th place:
Brian McCrary
Hinchman top running rookie: Hoefling
SK Powder Coating Hard Charger: Brian
Afco Shocking Moment of race: Wilhelmus
continue domination of
Remax Local B-Main winner:
Midwest Dyno Services Provisional starter:
Feature Results:
Eli Wilhelmus
Kayla Roell
Reed Whitney
Elijah Knoke
Cody Knieriem
Bryan Brewer
Steve Justis
Johnson Ginder
Mike Larrison
Jeremy Schnepper
Logan Harris
Jerry Meadows
Brian McCrary
Collin Jackson
Scott Hoover
Craig Markel
Chase Hoefling
Mike Badgley
Eric Webber
Larry Kee
Saturday June 22nd – Tri-State Speedway
– 27 entries
Hoosier Speed quick time: Steve Justis
SPEC Racing Engine heat winners: Baumeyer,
Wilhelmus, Knoke
Hoosier Tire/Rod
End Supply Podium Feature event: Wilhelmus,
Knoke, Knieriem
Wilwood Brakes, good break of the race:
Parker being competitive
after off a season
Saldana Racing Products, Lucky 13th place:
Eric Webber
Hinchman top running rookie: Jake Roell
SK Powder Coating Hard Charger: Logan Harris
Afco Shocking Moment of race: Mark Lamont
transfer to A thru the
B main 1st time out
Remax Local B-Main winner: Mark Lamont
Midwest Dyno Services Provisional starter:
Logan Harris
Feature Results:
Eli Wilhelmus
Elijah Knoke
Cody Knieriem
Parker Baumeyer
Dean Parker
Steve Justis
Nolan Kiefer
Scott Albrecht
Jeremy Schnepper
Johnson Ginder
Jake Roell
Samantha Alloway
Eric Webber
Logan Harris
Collin Jackson
Mike Larrison
Mark Lamont
Scott Hoover
Brian McCrary
Jordan Shipley
Brandon Justus
Friday May 31st – Circle City Raceway –
24 entries
Hoosier Speed quick time: Eli Wilhelmus
SPEC Racing Engine heat winners: Shipley,
Jackson, Kiefer
Hoosier Tire/Rod
End Supply Podium Feature event: Kiefer,
Knieriem, Justis
Wilwood Brakes, good break of the race:
Jackson picks up first heat
Saldana Racing Products, Lucky 13th place:
Logan Harris
Hinchman top running rookie: Jake Roell
SK Powder Coating Hard Charger: Samantha
Afco Shocking Moment of race: Kiefer gets
first MMSA win,
Remax Local B-Main winner:
Midwest Dyno Services Provisional starter:
Feature Results:
Nolan Kiefer
Cody Knieriem
Steve Justis
Elijah Knoke
Collin Jackson
Brandon Smith
Johnson Ginder
Scott Albrecht
Scott Hoover
Jake Roell
Brandon Justus
Casey Meyer
Logan Harris
Samantha Alloway
Jordan Shipley
Brian McCrary
Larry Kee
Kendrick Perry
Eli Wilhelmus
Brenden Chew
Brewer, Harper, Spencer DNS
Saturday May 25th – Red Hill Raceway –
20 entries
Hoosier Speed quick time: Gary Spencer
SPEC Racing Engine heat winners: Wilhelmus,
Hoosier Tire/Rod
End Supply Podium Feature event: Wilhelmus,
Knieriem, Knoke
Wilwood Brakes, good break of the race:
Spencer set quick time 2
weeks in a row
Saldana Racing Products, Lucky 13th place:
Nick McKamman
Hinchman top running rookie: Jake Roell
SK Powder Coating Hard Charger: Jeremy
Afco Shocking Moment of race: Wilhelmus 2 in
a row
Remax Local B-Main winner:
Midwest Dyno Services Provisional starter:
chipstees.com hot pit/hard luck:
Brenden Chew wrong place wrong time
Feature Results:
Eli Wilhelmus
Cody Knieriem
Elijah Knoke
Garry Spencer
Steve Justis
Jake Roell
Eric Webber
Jordan Shipley
Samantha Alloway
Jeremy Schnepper
Scott Hoover
Logan Harris
Nick McKannan
Nolan Kiefer
Brian McCrary
Brenden Chew
Shane McCrary
Kendrick Perry DNS
Emily McCrary DNS
Patrick Jackson DNS
Saturday May 18th – Windy Hollow
Speedway – 24 entries
Hoosier Speed quick time: Gary Spencer
SPEC Racing Engine heat winners: Ginder,
Schnepper, Wilhelmus
Hoosier Tire/Rod
End Supply Podium Feature event: Wilhelmus,
Schnepper, Knieriem
Wilwood Brakes, good break of the race:
Finishing race with no
Saldana Racing Products, Lucky 13th place:
Gary Spencer
Hinchman top running rookie: Jake Roell
SK Powder Coating Hard Charger: Cody
Afco Shocking Moment of race: Gary Spencer
sets fast time 15.725
Remax Local B-Main winner:
Midwest Dyno Services Provisional starter:
Feature Results:
Eli Wilhelmus
Jeremy Schnepper
Cody Knieriem
Johnson Ginder
Jordan Shipley
Elijah Knoke
Nolan Kiefer
Jake Roell
Samantha Alloway
Scott Hoover
Logan Harris
Brian McCrary
Garry Spencer
Patrick Jackson
Steve Justis
Emily McCrary
Chase Hoefling
Jerry Meadows
Shane McCrary
Adam Hirsch
Eric Webber
Brenden Chew
Brandon Justus DNS
Brad Hill DNS
Saturday May 11th – Tri-State Speedway –
29 entries
Hoosier Speed quick time: Jaylon Mills
SPEC Racing Engine heat winners: Knieriem,
Wilhelmus, Justis
Hoosier Tire/Rod End
Supply Podium Feature event: Mills,
Wilhelmus, Justis
Wilwood Brakes, good break of the race:
Steve Justis, last lap pass
for a podium
Saldana Racing Products, Lucky 13th place:
Johnston Ginder
Hinchman top running rookie: Jake Roell
SK Powder Coating Hard Charger: Elijah Knoke
Afco Shocking Moment of race: 4 races 4
different winners
Remax Local B-Main winner: Collin Jackson
Midwest Dyno Services Provisional starter:
Samantha Alloway
Feature Results:
Jaylon Mills
Eli Wilhelmus
Steve Justis
Parker Baumeyer
Elijah Knoke
Cody Knieriem
Jeremy Schnepper
Nolan Kiefer
Jordan Shipley
Brandon Justus
Scott Albrecht
Garry Spencer
Johnson Ginder
Eric Webber
Jake Roell
Collin Jackson
Samantha Alloway
Logan Harris
Patrick Jackson
Shane McCrary
Brian McCrary
Saturday April 27th – Paragon Speedway –
27 entries
Hoosier Speed quick time: Eli Wilhelmus
SPEC Racing Engine heat winners: Brewer,
Knieriem, Larrison
Tire/Rod End Supply Podium Feature event:
Brewer, Strane Jr
Wilwood Brakes, good break of the race:
Mills returning to action
making A-main and top 5
Saldana Racing Products, Lucky 13th place:
Jake Roell
Hinchman top running rookie: Jake Roell
SK Powder Coating Hard Charger: Jeremy
Afco Shocking Moment of race: Wilhelmus
domination of feature
Remax Local B-Main winner: Samantha Alloway
Midwest Dyno Services Provisional starter:
Jordan Shipley
Feature Results:
Eli Wilhelmus
Bryan Brewer
Brian Strane Jr.
Jaylon Mills
Brandon Justus
Mike Larrison
Jeremy Schnepper
Elijah Knoke
Steve Justis
Garry Spencer
Cody Knieriem
James Meny
Jake Roell
Samantha Alloway
Nolan Kiefer
Jerry Meadows
Patrick Jackson
Jordan Shipley
Collin Jackson
Kendrick Perry
Michael Badgley
Saturday April 20th – Wayne County
Raceway – 20 entries
Hoosier Speed quick time: Elijah Knoke
SPEC Racing Engine heat winners: S. Justis,
B. Justus, Webber
Tire/Rod End Supply Podium Feature event:
Justus, Knoke,
Wilwood Brakes, good break of the race:
Brandon Justus, first time
MMSA winner
Saldana Racing Products, Lucky 13th place:
Logan Harris
Hinchman top running rookie: Jake Roell
SK Powder Coating Hard Charger: Chase
Afco Shocking Moment of race: ROOKIES! Roell
racing for lead,
Hoefling 16th to 5th
Midwest Dyno Services Provisional starter:
Chipstees.com hot pit/hard
luck: Nolan Kiefer, flip in 3
Feature Results:
Brandon Justus
Elijah Knoke
Steve Justis
Jake Roell
Chase Hoefling
Jeremy Schnepper
Jordan Shipley
Eric Webber
Collin Jackson
Gary Spencer
Cole Wright
Jerry Meadows
Logan Harris
Kendrick Perry
Brian McCrary
Nolan Kiefer
Samantha Alloway
James Meny
Patrick Jackson
Brenden Chew
Saturday March 30th – Brownstown
Speedway – 31 entries
Hoosier Speed quick time: N/A
SPEC Racing Engine heat winners: Wilhelmus,
Knieriem, Knoke, Shipley
Tire/Rod End Supply Podium Feature event:
Shipley, Knoke, Justus
Wilwood Brakes, good break of the race:
Shipley lead 20 laps
Saldana Racing Products, Lucky 13th place:
Sam Alloway
Hinchman top running rookie: Jake Roell
SK Powder Coating Hard Charger: Jeremy
Afco Shocking Moment of race: Harris flip
Swat Pest B-Main winner: Jake Roell
Midwest Dyno Services Provisional starter:
Collin Jackson
Feature Results:
Jordan Shipley
Elijah Knoke
Brandon Justus
Brian Strane
Eli Wilhelmus
Brandon Coffey
Cody Knieriem
Steve Justis
Eric Webber
Jeremy Schnepper
Cole Wright
Jake Roell
Sam Alloway
Jerry Meadows
Patrick Jackson
Garry Spencer
James Meny
Collin Jackson
Logan Harris
Parker Baumeyer
Johnson Ginder
Saturday October 14th – Tri-State
Speedway – 37 entries
Hoosier Speed quick time: Jaylon Mills
SPEC Racing Engine heat winners: Knieriem,
Larrison, Coffey, Roell
Rod End
Supply Podium Feature event: Coffey, Knieriem,
Wilwood Brakes, good break of the race 7th
place: Bryan Brewer
Saldana Racing Products, Lucky 13th place:
Trice Roden
Hinchman top running rookie: Eli Wihelmus
Best One Tire and Service, Hard Charger:
Brandon Justus
Bailey Chassis top runner: Coffey
Afco Shocking Moment of race: Coulston
tumble to checkers
Swat Pest B-Main winner: Trice Roden
Feature Results:
Brandon Coffey
Cody Knieriem
Eli Wilhelmus
Nolan Kiefer
Steve Justis
Elijah Knoke
Bryan Brewer
James Meny
Brandon Justus
Jake Roell
Johnson Ginder
Parker Baumeyer
Trice Roden
Jeremy Schnepper
Eric Webber
Ken Coulston
Gage Green
Jaylon Mills
Mike Larrison
Scott Hoover
Sam Hinds
Saturday October 7th – Paragon Speedway – 21
entries |
Hoosier Speed quick time: Bryan Brewer
SPEC Racing Engine heat winners: Brewer,
Webber, Knieriem
Rod End
Supply Podium Feature event: Ginder, Larrison,
Wilwood Brakes, good break of the race 7th
place: Brandon Justus
Saldana Racing Products, Lucky 13th place:
James Meny
Hinchman top running rookie: Cale Taylor
Best One Tire and Service, Hard Charger:
Collin Jackson
Bailey Chassis top runner: Ginder
Afco Shocking Moment of race: Ginder first
A-Main Results:
Johnson Ginder
Mike Larrison
Elijah Knoke
Eric Webber
Cody Knieriem
Bryan Brewer
Brandon Justus
Steve Justis
Ken Coulston
Collin Jackson
Logan Harris
Patrick Jackson
James Meny
Cole Wright
Scott Hoover
Cale Taylor
Sam Hinds
Eli Wilhelmus
Shane McCrary
Grant Harvey DNS
Conner Garrison DNS
Saturday September 23rd – Wayne County
Speedway – 27 entries
Hoosier Speed quick time: Bryan Brewer
SPEC Racing Engine heat winners: Kiefer,
Knieriem, Wilson,
Rod End Supply Podium Feature event: Brewer,
Larrison, Kiefer
Wilwood Brakes, good break of the race 7th
place: Eli Wilhelmus
Saldana Racing Products, Lucky 13th place:
Ashton Thompson
Hinchman top running rookie: Eli Wilhelmus
Best One Tire and Service, Hard Charger: Eli
Bailey Chassis top runner: Brewer
Afco Shocking Moment of race: Non-wing
Swat Pest B-Main winner: Cole Wright
A-Main Results:
Bryan Brewer
Mike Larrison
Nolan Kiefer
Cody Knieriem
Elijah Knoke
Eric Webber
Eli Wilhelmus
Jeff Schindler
Cole Wright
Samantha Alloway
Collin Jackson
Ken Coulston
Ashton Thompson
Steve Justis
Logan Harris
Rachael Probst
Johnson Ginder
Patrick Jackson
Sam Hinds
James Meny
Hunter Wilson
Saturday September 16th – Tri-State
Speedway – 18 entries
Hoosier Speed quick time: Mike Larrison
SPEC Racing Engine heat winners: Larrison,
Rod End
Supply Podium Feature event: Larrison, Knieriem,
Wilwood Brakes, good break of the race 7th
place: Scott Albrecht
Saldana Racing Products, Lucky 13th place:
Eric Webber
Hinchman top running rookie: Eli Wilhelmus
Best One Tire and Service, Hard Charger: Eli
Bailey Chassis top runner: Larrison
Afco Shocking Moment of race: Larrison
coasting across checkers
A-Main Results:
Mike Larrison
Cody Knieriem
Eli Wilhelmus
Nolan Kiefer
Bryan Brewer
Ken Coulston
Scott Albrecht
Jeremy Schnepper
Scott Hoover
Gave Tyra
Brandon Justus
Logan Harris
Eric Webber
Parker Baumeyer
James Meny
Sam Hinds
Anderson and Jones dns
Saturday Sept 9th – Red Hill Raceway –
18 entries
Hoosier Speed quick time: Mike Larrison
SPEC Racing Engine heat winners: Knieriem,
Rod End
Supply Podium Feature event: Knoke, Brewer,
Wilwood Brakes, good break of the race 7th
place: Tom Busch
Saldana Racing Products, Lucky 13th place:
Eric Webber
Hinchman top running rookie: Gabe Tyra
Best One Tire and Service, Hard Charger:
Gabe Tyra
Bailey Chassis top runner: Knoke
Afco Shocking Moment of race: Knoke first
MMSA win
A-Main Results:
Elijah Knoke
Bryan Brewer
Cody Knieriem
Mike Larrison
Nolan Kiefer
Jeremy Schnepper
Tom Busch
Samantha Alloway
Gabe Tyra
Logan Harris
Patrick Jackson
Cale Taylor
Eric Webber
Shane McCrary
Greg Dedrick Jr.
James Meny
Steve Justis dns
Garry Spencer dns
Friday Sept 1st – Bloomington Speedway –
18 entries
Hoosier Speed quick time:
Bryan Brewer
SPEC Racing Engine heat
winners: Brewer, Knoke,
End Supply Podium Feature
event: Brewer, Knoke, Wilson
Wilwood Brakes, good
break of the race 7th place:
Nolan Kiefer
Saldana Racing Products,
Lucky 13th place: Logan
Hinchman top running
rookie: Hunter Wilson
Best One Tire and
Service, Hard Charger: Cole
Bailey Chassis top
runner: Brewer
Afco Shocking Moment of
race: Brewer clean Sweep
Feature Results:
Bryan Brewer
Elijah Knoke
Hunter Wilson
Mike Larrison
Stanley Kreisel
Ken Coulston
Nolan Kiefer
Jeff Schindler
Ashton Thompson
Cole Wright
Rachel Probst
Andy Bradley
Logan Harris
Jerry Meadows
Brandon Coffey
Jordan Shipley
Blake Miles
Eric Webber
Saturday August 26th – Lincoln Park
Speedway – 24 entries
Hoosier Speed quick time:
SPEC Racing Engine heat winners: Larrison,
Knoke, Knieriem
Rod End
Supply Podium Feature event: Knieriem, Larrison,
Wilwood Brakes, good break of the race 7th
place: James Meny
Saldana Racing Products, Lucky 13th place:
Ashton Thompson
Hinchman top running rookie: Parker Baumeyer
Best One Tire and Service, Hard Charger:
Jordan Shipley
Bailey Chassis top runner: Knieriem
Afco Shocking Moment of race:
Feature Results:
Cody Knieriem
Mike Larrison
Elijah Knoke
Parker Baumeyer
Nolan Kiefer
Jordan Shipley
James Meny
Garry Spencer
Cole Wright
Steve Justis
Eric Webber
Tom Busch
Ashton Thompson
Gabe Tyra
Logan Harris
Bryan Brewer
Eli Wilhelmus DNS
Brandon Justus DNS
Jerry Meadows DNS
Greg Dedrick Jr DNS
Patrick Jackson DNS
Collin Jackson DNS
James Boyd DNS
Marty Spitler DNS
Saturday August 12th – Tri-State
Speedway – 31 entries
Hoosier Speed quick time: Kayla Roell
SPEC Racing Engine heat winners: Roell,
Wilhelmus, Larrison,
Rod End Supply Podium Feature event:
Knieriem, Larrison, Wilhelmus
Wilwood Brakes, good break of the race 7th
place: Nolan Keifer
Saldana Racing Products, Lucky 13th place:
Jordan Shipley
Hinchman top running rookie: Wilhelmus
Best One Tire and Service, Hard Charger:
Jeremy Schnepper
Bailey Chassis top runner: Knieriem
Afco Shocking Moment of race: Meny flip down
front straightaway
Swat Pest B-Main winner: Eric Webber
Feature Results:
Cody Knieriem
Mike Larrison
Eli Wilhelmus
Bryan Brewer
Elijah Knoke
Hunter Wilson
Nolan Kiefer
Jeremy Schnepper
Parker Baumeyer
Logan Anderson
Jake Roell
Kayla Roell
Jordan Shipley
Ashton Thompson
Collin Jackson
Patrick Jackson
Andy Bradley
Steve Justis
James Meny
Koale Culp
Eric Webber
Saturday July 15th – Paragon Speedway –
23 entries
Hoosier Speed quick time: Mike Larrison
SPEC Racing Engine heat winners: Larrison.
Knieriem, Bradley
Rod End
Supply Podium Feature event: Bradley, Wilhelmus,
Wilwood Brakes, good break of the race 7th
place: Elijah Knoke
Saldana Racing Products, Lucky 13th place:
Cole Wright
Hinchman top running rookie: Eli Wilhelmus
Best One Tire and Service, Hard Charger:
Rachel Probst
Bailey Chassis top runner: Andy Bradley
Afco Shocking Moment of race: Brewer flip in
A-Main Results:
Andy Bradley
Eli Wilhelmus
Sam Hinds
Cody Knieriem
Mike Larrison
Steve Justis
Elijah Knoke
Logan Harris
Rachel Probst
Michael Badgley
Eric Weber
Patrick Jackson
Cole Wright
Jordan Shipley
Hunter Wilson
Ken Colston
Bryan Brewer
Jerry Meadows
Samantha Alloway
Saturday July 8th – Lincoln Park
Speedway – 27 entries
Hoosier Speed quick time:
SPEC Racing Engine heat winners: Nolan
Kiefer, Andy Bradley,
Rod End Supply Podium Feature event:
Larrison, Bradley, Coffey
Wilwood Brakes, good break of the race 7th
place: Eric Webber
Saldana Racing Products, Lucky 13th place:
Logan Harris
Hinchman top running rookie: Parker Baumeyer
Best One Tire and Service, Hard Charger: Ken
Bailey Chassis top runner: Mike Larrison
Afco Shocking Moment of race: Justis hard
hit in two
Swat Pest B-Main winner: Ginder
A-Main Results:
Mike Larrison
Andy Bradley
Brandon Coffey
Sam Hinds
Cody Knieriem
Ken Coulston
Eric Webber
Brandon Justus
Parker Baumeyer
Hunter Wilson
Garry Spencer
Johnson Ginder
Logan Harris
Collin Jackson
Hilton Rowett
James Meny
Elijah Knoke
Patrick Jackson
Steve Justis
Gabe Tyra
Nolan Kiefer
Friday July 7th – Gas City Speedway – 25
Hoosier Speed quick time:
Mike Larrison
SPEC Racing Engine heat
winners: Cascadden, Hinds,
End Supply Podium Feature
event: Larrison, Kiefer,
Wilwood Brakes, good
break of the race 7th place:
Elijah Knoke
Saldana Racing Products,
Lucky 13th place: Logan
Hinchman top running
rookie: Hunter Wilson
Best One Tire and
Service, Hard Charger: Andy
Bailey Chassis top
runner: Mike Larrsion
Afco Shocking Moment of
race: Jackson flip and
continues on
A-Main Results:
Mike Larrison
Nolan Kiefer
Andy Bradley
Sam Hinds
Cody Knieriem
Bryan Brewer
Elijah Knoke
Brendon Cascadden
Scott Albrecht
Hunter Wilson
Steve Justis
Ken Coulston
Logan Harris
James Meny
Page Perrine
Gabe Tyra
Andrew Rowett
Collin Jackson
James Boyd
Scott Hoover
Sam Meny
Patrick Jackson
Rachael Probst
Aaron Willams
Eric Webber
Saturday June 24th – Tri-State Speedway
– 34 entries
Hoosier Speed quick time: Parker Baumeyer
SPEC Racing Engine heat winners: Knieriem,
Roell, Justus, Larrison
Rod End
Supply Podium Feature event: Roell, Larrison,
Wilwood Brakes, good break of the race 7th
place: Gage Green
Saldana Racing Products, Lucky 13th place:
Trice Roden
Hinchman top running rookie: Parker Baumeyer
Best One Tire and Service, Hard Charger:
Bryan Brewer
Bailey Chassis top runner: Kayla Roell
Afco Shocking Moment of race: Last lap pass
for $2000
Swat Pest B-Main winner: Bradley, Knoke
A-Main Results:
Kayla Roell
Mike Larrison
Cody Knieriem
Brendon Cascadden
Parker Baumeyer
Bryan Brewer
Gage Green
Greg Dedrick Jr.
Elijah Knoke
Logan Anderson
Scott Bradley
Adam Turpen
Trice Roden
Jeremy Schnepper
Patrick Jackson
Eric Webber
Andy Bradley
James Meny
Brandon Justus
Steve Justis
Eli Wilhelmus
Saturday June 10th – Circle City Raceway
– 22 entries
Hoosier Speed quick time: Eli Wilhelmus
SPEC Racing Engine heat winners: Ken
Coulston Jr, Sam Hinds,
Rod End Supply Podium Feature event: Hinds,
Brewer, Knieriem
Wilwood Brakes, good break of the race 7th
place: Elijah Knoke
Saldana Racing Products, Lucky 13th place:
Johnson Ginder
Hinchman top running rookie: Eli Wilhelmus
Best One Tire and Service, Hard Charger: Eli
Bailey Chassis top runner: Sam Hinds
Afco Shocking Moment of race: Dry, Smooth,
Slick, Dust
Feature Results:
Sam Hinds
Bryan Brewer
Cody Knieriem
Steve Justis
Mike Larrison
Eli Wilhelmus
Elijah Knoke
Garry Spencer
Cole Wright
Hunter Wilson
Collin Jackson
Ken Coulston
Johnson Ginder
Patrick Jackson
Logan Harris
Nolan Kiefer
Gave Tyra
James Meny
Rachael Probst
Eric Webber
Kendrick Perry
Saturday June 3rd – Brownstown Speedway
– 17 entries
Hoosier Speed quick time: Mike Larrison
SPEC Racing Engine heat winners: Mike
Larrison, Cody Knieriem
Rod End
Supply Podium Feature event: Bryan Brewer, Cody
Knieriem, Mike Larrison
Wilwood Brakes, good break of the race 7th
place: Sam Hinds
Saldana Racing Products, Lucky 13th place:
Elijah Knoke
Hinchman top running rookie: Hunter Wilson
Best One Tire and Service, Hard Charger: Sam
Bailey Chassis top runner: Bryan Brewer
Afco Shocking Moment of race:
Feature Results:
Bryan Brewer
Cody Knieriem
Mike Larrison
Brandon Justus
Eric Webber
Hunter Wilson
Sam Hinds
Steve Justis
Jeremy Schnepper
Kendrick Perry
Logan Harris
Emily McCrary
Elijah Knoke
Rachael Probst
Nolan Kiefer
Sunday May 28th – Tri-State Speedway –
30 entries
Hoosier Speed quick time: Brandon Justus
SPEC Racing Engine heat winners: Eli
Wilhelmus, Cody Knieriem,
Rod End Supply Podium Feature event: Eli
Wihelmus, Mike Larrison,
Bryan Brewer,
Wilwood Brakes, good break of the race 7th
place: Nolan Kiefer
Saldana Racing Products, Lucky 13th place:
Adam Turpin
Hinchman top running rookie: Eli Wilhelmus
Best One Tire and Service, Hard Charger:
Bryan Brewer
Bailey Chassis top runner: Eli Wilhelmus
Afco Shocking Moment of race: Wilhelmus
joins the long list of first time MMSA A main
Swat Pest B-Main winner: Patrick Jackson
Feature Results:
Eli Wilhelmus
Mike Larrison
Bryan Brewer
Cody Knieriem
Brandon Justus
Elijah Knoke
Nolan Kiefer
Parker Baumeyer
Steve Justis
James Meny
Greg Dedrick Jr.
Logan Harris
Adam Turpen
Patrick Jackson
Cole Wright
Eric Webber
Collin Jackson
Jeremy Schnepper
Aaron Roell
Samantha Beadles
Saturday May 27th – Lincoln Park
Speedway – 30 entries
Hoosier Speed quick time:
SPEC Racing Engine heat winners: Mike
Larrsion, Johnson Ginder,
Justus, Brandon Coffey
Rod End Supply Podium Feature event: Cody
Knieriem, Michael
Larrison, Elijah Knoke
Wilwood Brakes, good break of the race 7th
place: Garry Spencer
Saldana Racing Products, Lucky 13th place:
Cole Wright
Hinchman top running rookie: Johnson Ginder
Best One Tire and Service, Hard Charger:
Nolan Kiefer
Bailey Chassis top runner: Cody Knieriem
Afco Shocking Moment of race: Knieriem joins
list of first
time MMSA A main winner
Swat Pest B-Main winner: Adam Turpin
Feature Results:
Cody Knieriem
Mike Larrison
Elijah Knoke
Steve Justis
Nolan Kiefer
Scott Hoover
Garry Spencer
Jeremy Schnepper
Greg Dedrick Jr
Johnson Ginder
James Meny
Patrick Jackson
Cole Wright
Eric Webber
Logan Harris
Mike Badgley
Brandon Justus
Adam Turpen
Brandon Coffey
Bryan Brewer
Eli Wilhelmus
Friday May 26th – Bloomington Speedway –
27 entries
Hoosier Speed quick time: Eli Wihelmus
SPEC Racing Engine heat winners: Eli
Wihelmus, Mike Larrsion, Eric Weber
Rod End
Supply Podium Feature event: Michael Larrison,
Wilhelmus, Bryan Brewer
Wilwood Brakes, good break of the race 7th
place: Steve Justis
Saldana Racing Products, Lucky 13th place:
Michael Badgley
Hinchman top running rookie: Eli Wihelmus
Best One Tire and Service, Hard Charger:
Collin Jackson
Bailey Chassis top runner: Michael Larrison
Afco Shocking Moment of race: Hoover flip in
Feature Results:
Mike Larrison
Eli Wilhelmus
Bryan Brewer
Cody Knieriem
Eric Webber
Elijah Knoke
Steve Justis
Brandon Coffey
Nolan Kiefer
Logan Harris
Cole Wright
Collin Jackson
Michael Badgley
Patrick Jackson
Kendrick Perry
Scott Hoover
Aaron Roell
James Meny
Jeremy Schnepper
Jordan Shipley
Levi Whitehouse
Rachel Probst
Hunter Wilson
Samantha Alloway
Larry Kee
Kelly Hoover
Rodney Payton
Saturday May 13th – Tri-State Speedway – 36
entries |
Hoosier Speed quick time: Kayla Roell
SPEC Racing Engine heat winners: Kayla
Roell, Cody Knieriem, Scott
Rod End Supply Podium Feature event: Michael
Larrison, Eli Wilhelmus, Bryan Brewer
Wilwood Brakes, good break of the race 7th
place: James Meny
Saldana Racing Products, Lucky 13th place:
Garry Spencer
Hinchman top running rookie: Eli Wilhelmus
Best One Tire and Service, Hard Charger:
Jeremy Schnepper
Bailey Chassis top runner: Michael Larrison
Afco Shocking Moment of race: flip count
Swat Pest B-Main winner: Sam Hinds, Gage
Feature Results:
Michael Larrison
Eli Wilhelmus
Bryan Brewer
Brandon Justus
Cody Knieriem
Nolan Kiefer
James Meny
Steve Justis
Eric Webber
Jeremy Schnepper
Scott Hoover
Brandon Coffey
Garry Spencer
Sam Hinds
Scott Albrecht
Parker Baumeyer
Elijah Knoke
Gage Green
Patrick Jackson
Levi Whitehouse
Saturday May 6th – Red Hill Raceway – 25
Hoosier Speed quick time: Kayla Roell
SPEC Racing Engine heat winners: Kayla
Roell, Garry Spencer, Scott Hoover
Rod End
Supply Podium Feature event: Kayla Roell,
Brandon Justus,
Mike Larrison
Wilwood Brakes, good break of the race 7th
place: Cody Knieriem
Saldana Racing Products, Lucky 13th place:
Shane McCrary
Hinchman top running rookie: Patrick Jackson
Best One Tire and Service, Hard Charger:
Bryan Brewer
Bailey Chassis top runner: Kayla Roell
Afco Shocking Moment of race: Justin Davis,
Blaze in turn 3-4
Feature Results:
Kayla Roell
Brandon Justus
Mike Larrison
Bryan Brewer
Elijah Knoke
Scott Hoover
Cody Knieriem
Gary Spencer
Jeremy Schnepper
Steve Justis
Eric Webber
Logan Harris
Shane McCrary
James Meny
Collin Jackson
Patrick Jackson
Sam Hinds
Larry Kee
Justin Davis
Greg Dedrick Jr.
Kelly Hoover
Nolan Kiefer
Tri-State Speedway Results 4-29
SPEC Racing Heat Race Winners:
Mike Larrison
Eli Wilhelmus
Kayla Roell
Eli Wilhelmus
Mike Larrison
Brad Strunk
Cody Knieriem
Eric Webber
Scott Albrecht
Elijah Knoke
Nolan Kiefer
Steve Justis
Greg Dedrick Jr.
Justin Davis
James Meny
Scott Hoover
Collin Jackson
Logan Harris
Gage Green
Sam Hinds
Friday April 14th
– Bloomington Speedway – 29
entries |
Hoosier Speed quick time: Mike Larrison
SPEC Racing
Engine heat winners: Eli Wilheimus, Bryan Brewer, Kayla
Roell, Cody Knieriem
Rod End Supply
Podium Feature event: Brewer, Roell, Larrison
Brakes, good break of the race 7th place:
Saldana Racing
Products, Lucky 13th place: James Meny
Hinchman top
running rookie: Eli Wilhelmus
Best OneTall J Maintenance Passing Master: Nolan Kiefer
Bailey Chassis
top runner: Brewer
Afco Shocking
Moment of race: Steve Justis flip in 3
SSwat Pest
B-Main winner: Shane McCrary
Feature Results:
Bryan Brewer
Kayla Roell
Mike Larrison
Cody Knieriem
Cody Trammell
Justin Davis
Eli Wilhelmus
Eric Webber
Sam Hinds
Nolan Kiefer
Collin Jackson
Jeremy Schnepper
James Meny
Elijah Knoke
Shane McCrary
Scott Albrecht
Steve Justin Samantha Alloway
Gary Spencer
Gage Green
Levi Whitehouse
Tri-State Speedway Results/strong>
SPEC Racing Heat Race Winners:
Brad Strunk
Scott Bradley
Brenden Cascadden
A-Main Results:
Kayla Roell
Scott Bradley
Gage Green
Mike Larrison
Logan Anderson
Stanley Kreisel
Eli Wilhelmus
Elijah Knoke
Eric Webber
Cody Knieriem
Steve Justis
Koale Culp
Logan Harris
Scott Hoover
Brad Strunk
Brenden Cascadden
Sam Hinds
Aaron Roell
Dean Parker
James Meny
Tim Hirsch
Samantha Alloway
Saturday, September 24th – Tri-State Speedway
Speedway – 26 entries
Hyper Racing lucky Racer: Greg Dedrick Jr
Hoosier Speed quick time: Kayla Roell
SPEC Racing Engine heat winners: Kayla Roell, Brad Strunk, Eric Webber, Logan Anderson
Rod End Supply Podium Feature event: Smith, Brewer, Roell
Keizer Aluminum Wheel, top five of race, 5th place: Elijah Knoke
Wilwood Brakes, good break of the race 7th place: Logan Andeerson
Saldana Racing Products, Lucky 13th place: Eric Webber
Hinchman top running rookie: Elijah Knoke
Tall J Maintenance Passing Master: Steve Justis
Bailey Chassis top runner: Brandon Smith
Afco Shocking Moment of race: Adam Turpin flip in 3
Swat Pest B-Main winner: Ashton Thompson
Benic Enterprises hard luck, just missed A-main: Mackenzie Burgess
Feature Results:
Brandon Smith
Bryan Brewer
Kayla Roell
Brad Strunk
Elijah Knoke
Steve Justis
Logan Anderson
Eli Wilhelmus
Ryan Ralph
Scott Hoover
Sam Hinds
Gage Green
Eric Webber
Mike Larrison
Ashton Thompson
Jeremy Schnepper
Shane McCrary
Logan Harris
Adam Turpen
Greg Dedrick Jr.
Zach Montz
Nolan Kiefer
Saturday, September 17th – Tri-State Speedway Speedway – 38 entries |
Hyper Racing lucky Racer: Zach Montz
Hoosier Speed quick time: Kayla Roell
SPEC Racing Engine heat winners: Kayla Roell, Cody Knieriem, Dean
Parker, Michael Larrison
Rod End Supply Podium Feature event: Larrison, Roell, Bradley
Keizer Aluminum Wheel, top five of race, 5th place: Brandon
Wilwood Brakes, good break of the race 7th place: Gage Green
Saldana Racing Products, Lucky 13th place: Samantha Alloway
Hinchman top running rookie: Michael Larrison
Tall J Maintenance Passing Master: Brad Strunk
Bailey Chassis top runner: Michael Larrison
Afco Shocking Moment of race: Strunk flip and finishes race
Swat Pest B-Main winner: Brad Strunk and Sam Hinds
Benic Enterprises hard luck, just missed A-main: James Meny
Feature Results:
Michael Larrison
Kayla Roell
Scott Bradley
Bryan Brewer
Brandon Deputy
Brad Strunk
Gage Green
Dean Parker
Sam Hinds
Logan Anderson
Adam Turpen
Eli Wilhelmus
Samantha Alloway
Raymond Holden
Scott Hoover
Elijah Knoke
Greg Dedrick Jr.
Aaron Roell
Jeremy Schnepper
Samantha Beadles
Eric Webber
Steve Justis
Cody Knieriem
Friday, September 2nd – Bloomington Speedway – 23 entries |
Hyper Racing lucky Racer: Steve Justis
Hoosier Speed quick time: Bryan Brewer
SPEC Racing Engine heat winners: Cody Knieriem, Brad Strunk,
Elijah Knoke
Rod End Supply Podium Feature event: Strunk, Brewer, Bradley
Keizer Aluminum Wheel, top five of race, 5th place: Aydn Schmidt
Wilwood Brakes, good break of the race 7th place: Steve Justis
Saldana Racing Products, Lucky 13th place: Michael Larrison
Hinchman top running rookie: Gage Green
Tall J Maintenance Passing Master: Adyn Schmidt
Bailey Chassis top runner: Brad Strunk
Afco Shocking Moment of race:
Swat Pest B-Main winner:
Benic Enterprises hard luck, just missed A-main:
Feature Results:
Brad Strunk
Bryan Brewer
Scott Bradley
Kayla Roell
Adyn Schmidt
Gage Green
Steve Justis
Jeremy Schnepper
Brandon Coffey
Cody Knieriem
Eric Webber
Eli Wilhelmus
Michael Larrison
Aaron Roell
Travis Stickels
Shane McCrary
Logan Harris
Rachael Probt
Brock Kissinger
Scott Albrecht
Jeremy Huebner
Elijah Knoke
Collin Jackson
Saturday, August 27th – Lincoln Park Speedway – 21 entries |
Hyper Racing lucky Racer: Bryan Brewer
Hoosier Speed quick time:
SPEC Racing Engine heat winners: Brewer, Anderson, Schnepper
Rod End Supply Podium Feature event: Brewer, Strunk, Roell
Keizer Aluminum Wheel, top five of race, 5th place: Cody Tramell
Wilwood Brakes, good break of the race 7th place: Cody Knieriem
Saldana Racing Products, Lucky 13th place: Logan Anderson
Hinchman top running rookie: Mike Larrison
Tall J Maintenance Passing Master: Scott Albrecht
Bailey Chassis top runner: Bryan Brewer
Afco Shocking Moment of race: Brewer 3 in a row
Swat Pest B-Main winner:
Benic Enterprises hard luck, just missed A-main:
Feature Results:
Bryan Brewer
Brad Strunk
Kayla Roell
Mike Larrison
Cody Trammell
Jeff Schindler
Cody Knieriem
Steve Justis
Jeremy Schnepper
Gage Green
Scott Albrecht
Elijah Knoke
Logan Anderson
Eric Webber
Garry Spencer
Aaron Roell
Shane McCrary Conner Garrison
Sam Hinds
Greg Dedrick Jr.
August 20th – Lincoln Park Speedway – 19 entries |
Hyper Racing lucky Racer: Cody Knieriem
Hoosier Speed quick time: Aydn Schmidt
SPEC Racing Engine heat winners: Cody Knieriem, Bryan Brewer
Rod End Supply Podium Feature event: Brewer, Strunk, Knieriem
Keizer Aluminum Wheel, top five of race, 5th place: Kayla Roell
Wilwood Brakes, good break of the race 7th place: Scott Hoover
Saldana Racing Products, Lucky 13th place: Logan Harris
Hinchman top running rookie: Elijah Knoke
Tall J Maintenance Passing Master: Gage Green
Bailey Chassis top runner: Bryan Brewer
Afco Shocking Moment of race: Brewer two in row
Swat Pest B-Main winner:
Benic Enterprises hard luck, just missed A-main:
A-Main Results:
Bryan Brewer
Brad Strunk
Cody Knieriem
Brandon Deputy Kayla Roell
Scott Albrecht
Scott Hoover
Elijah Knoke
Travis Stickels
Gage Green
Jeremy Schnepper
Nolan Kiefer
Logan Harris
Samantha Alloway
Garry Spencer
August 19th – Bloomington Speedway – 28 entries |
Hyper Racing lucky Racer: Elijah Knoke
Hoosier Speed quick time:
SPEC Racing Engine heat winners: Kayla Roell, Scotty Bradley, Bryan
Brewer, Brandon Coffey
Rod End Supply Podium Feature event: Brewer, Roell, Bradley
Keizer Aluminum Wheel, top five of race, 5th place: Samantha
Wilwood Brakes, good break of the race 7th place: Mike Larrison
Saldana Racing Products, Lucky 13th place: Travis Stickels
Hinchman top running rookie: Elijah Knoke
Tall J Maintenance Passing Master: Brad Strunk
Bailey Chassis top runner: Bryan Brewer
Afco Shocking Moment of race: Lawrence and A. Roell flips
Swat Pest B-Main winner: Mike Larrison
Benic Enterprises hard luck, just missed A-main: Nolan Kiefer
Feature Results:
Bryan Brewer
Kayla Roell
Scott Bradley Brad Strunk
Samantha Alloway
Elijiah Knoke
Mike Larrsion
Gage Green
Scott Albrecht
Cody Knieriem
Scott Hoover
Eric Webber
Travis Stickels
Darran Urfer
Jeremy Huebner
Jeremy Schnepper
Steve Justis
Collin Jackson
Brandon Coffey
Cale Taylor
Aaron Roell Cody Lawrence
Saturday, August 13th – Tri-State Speedway – 29 entries |
Hyper Racing lucky Racer: James Meny
Hoosier Speed quick time: Kayla Roell
SPEC Racing Engine heat winners: Rod Henning, Brad Strunk, Aaron
Rod End Supply Podium Feature event: Strunk, Parker, Schmidt
Keizer Aluminum Wheel, top five of race, 5th place: Bryan Brewer
Wilwood Brakes, good break of the race 7th place: Rod Henning
Saldana Racing Products, Lucky 13th place: Scott Hoover
Hinchman top running rookie: Elijah Knoke
Tall J Maintenance Passing Master: Aydn Schmidt
Bailey Chassis top runner: Brad Strunk
Afco Shocking Moment of race: Kissell flip in 2
Swat Pest B-Main winner: Raymond Holdem
Benic Enterprises hard luck, just missed A-main: Mackenzie Burgess
Feature Results
Brad Strunk
Dean Parker
Aydn Schmidt
Aaron Roell
Bryan Brewer Kayla Roell
Rod Henning
Cody Knieriem
Brandon Deputy
Steve Justis
Eric Webber
Adam Turpen
Scott Hoover
Elijah Knoke
Gage Green
Darren Urfer
Collin Jackson
Logan Harris
Samantha Beadles
Raymond Holden
Jeremy Schnepper
James Meny
Saturday, August 6th – Lincoln Park Speedway –
24 entries |
Hyper Racing lucky Racer: Scott Hoover
Hoosier Speed quick time:
SPEC Racing Engine heat winners: Deputy, Roell, Knieriem
Rod End Supply Podium Feature event: Brandon Deputy, Kayla
Roell, Cody Knieriem
Keizer Aluminum Wheel, top five of race, 5th place: Brad Strunk
Wilwood Brakes, good break of the race 7th place: Aaron Roell
Saldana Racing Products, Lucky 13th place: Kendrick Perry
Hinchman top running rookie: Scott Albrecht
Tall J Maintenance Passing Master: Brad Strunk
Bailey Chassis top runner: Brandon Deputy
Afco Shocking Moment of race: Deputy (first feature win)
Swat Pest B-Main winner:
Benic Enterprises hard luck, just missed A-main:
Feature Results:
Brandon Deputy
Kayla Roell
Cody Knieriem
Bryan Brewer
Brad Strunk
Scott Albrecht
Aaron Roell
Gage Green
Eric Webber
Elijah Knoke
Steve Justis
Scott Hoover
Kendrick Perry Jeremy Schnepper
Samantha Alloway
Zach Montz
Logan Harris
Collin Jackson
Darran Urfer
James Meny
Cody Lawrence
Tri-State Speedway Results
Racing Heat Race Winners: Brandon Deputy Cody
Knieriem Kayla Roell
Feature Results: Kayla Roell
Brad Strunk Brandon Deputy Adyn Schmidt Dean
Parker Cody Knieriem Aaron Roell Steve
Justis Eric Webber Gage Green Scott Hoover
Elijah Knoke Zach Montz Greg Dedrick Jr.
Michael Larrison Brandon Justus Logan Harris
Nolan Kiefer Raymond Holden
July 16th – Wayne County Speedway – 25 entries |
Hyper Racing lucky Racer: Eric Webber
Hoosier Speed quick
time: Brad Strunk
SPEC Racing Engine heat
winners: Strunk, Brewer,
Huebner, Roden
Rod End Supply Podium
Feature event: Adyn Schmidt,
Kayla Roell, Bryan Brewer
Keizer Aluminum Wheel,
top five of race, 5th place:
Kayla Roell
Wilwood Brakes, good
break of the race 7th place:
Jeremy Huebner
Saldana Racing Products,
Lucky 13th place: Elijah
Hinchman top running
rookie: MacKenzie Burgess
Tall J Maintenance
Passing Master: Aaron Roell
Bailey Chassis top
runner: Adyn Schmidt
Afco Shocking Moment of
race: Trice Roden (flip in
Swat Pest B-Main winner:
Shane McCrary
Benic Enterprises hard
luck, just missed A-main:
Collin Jackson
Feature Results:
Adyn Schmidt
Brad Strunk
Bryan Brewer
Brandon Justus
Kayla Roell
Cody Knieriem
Jeremy Heubner
Aaron Roell
Brandon Deputy
Greg Dedrick Jr.
Scott Hoover
Dean Parker
Elijah Knoke
Steve Justis
MacKenzie Burgess
Kendrick Perry
Zachary Montz
Shane McCrary
Eric Webber
Trice Roden
Logan Harris
Jaclyn Kissel
Friday, July 15th – Bloomington Speedway
– 29 entries
Hyper Racing lucky Racer: Scott Hoover
Hoosier Speed quick time: Brad Strunk
SPEC Racing Engine heat winners: Strunk,
Webber, Bradley
Rod End Supply Podium Feature event: Brad
Strunk, Kayla Roell, Mike Larrison
Keizer Aluminum Wheel, top five of race, 5th
place: Scott Bradley
Wilwood Brakes, good break of the race 7th
place: Cody Trammell
Saldana Racing Products, Lucky 13th place:
Scott Hoover
Hinchman top running rookie: Mike Larrison
Tall J Maintenance Passing Master: Trice
Bailey Chassis top runner: Brad Strunk
Afco Shocking Moment of race:
Swat Pest B-Main winner: Scott Albrecht
Benic Enterprises hard luck, just missed
A-main: Shane McCrary
Feature Results:
Brad Strunk
Kayla Roell
Mike Larrison
Brandon Deputy
Scott Bradley
Bryan Brewer
Cody Trammell
Trice Roden
Cody Knieriem
Jeremy Huebner
Eric Webber
Dean Parker
Scott Hoover
Aaron Roell
Steve Justis
Raymond Holden
Gage Green
Scott Albrecht
James Meny
Elijah Knoke
Garry Spencer
Brock Kissinger
Nolan Kiefer
on his first MMSA Feature win!!
Saturday, July 2nd –
Lincoln Park Speedway Speedway – 30
entries |
Hyper Racing lucky Racer:
Eric Norman
Hoosier Speed quick
time: Jeff Schindler
SPEC Racing Engine heat
winners: Cody Knieriem, Brad
Brandon Deputy
Rod End Supply Podium
Feature event: Brad Strunk,
Mike Larrison, Kayla Roell
Keizer Aluminum Wheel,
top five of race, 5th place:
Cody Knieriem
Wilwood Brakes, good
break of the race 7th place:
Bryan Brewer
Saldana Racing Products,
Lucky 13th place: Scott
Hinchman top running
rookie: Mike Larrison
Tall J Maintenance
Passing Master: Bryan Brewer
Bailey Chassis top
runner: Brad Strunk
Afco Shocking Moment of
race: Kendrick Perry (turn 4
Swat Pest B-Main winner:
Raymond Holden
Benic Enterprises hard
luck, just missed A-main:
Feature Results:
Brad Strunk
Mike Larrison
Kayla Roell
Brandon Deputy
Cody Knieriem
Nolan Kiefer
Bryan Brewer
Dean Parker
Eric Webber
Jeremy Huebner
Cale Taylor
Scott Hoover
Scott Albrecht
Darren Urfer
Steve Justis
Sarong Roell
Cody Lawrence
Gage Green
Elijah Knoke
Raymond Holden
Greg Dedrick Jr.
Kendrick Perry
Saturday, June 25th
– Tri-State Speedway – 38 entries |
Hyper Racing lucky Racer: Scott Hoover
Hoosier Speed quick time: Kayla Roell
SPEC Racing Engine heat winners: Kayla
Roell, Michael Larrison, Brad Strunk, Cody
Rod End Supply Podium Feature event: Brad
Strunk, Kayla Roell, Dean Parker
Keizer Aluminum Wheel, top five of race, 5th
place: Scotty Bradley
Wilwood Brakes, good break of the race 7th
place: Nolan Kiefer
Saldana Racing Products, Lucky 13th place:
Logan Anderson
Hinchman top running rookie: Michael
Tall J Maintenance Passing Master: Logan
Bailey Chassis top runner: Brad Strunk
Afco Shocking Moment of race: Cody Knieriem
flip in 4
Swat Pest B-Main winner: Jeremy Huebner,
Gage Green
Benic Enterprises hard luck, just missed
A-main: Dedrick, Kissinger
Feature Results: Brad Strunk
Kayla Roell
Dean Parker
Michael Larrison
Scott Bradley
Brandon Deputy
**Nolan Kiefer**
Aaron Roell
Steve Justis
Eric Webber
Jeremy Schnepper
Jeremy Huebner
Logan Anderson
Darren Urfer
Gage Green
Raymond Holden
Brandon Justus
Aydn Schmidt
Jeff Schindler
Bryan Brewer
Cody Knieriem
Scott Hoover
June 4th – Wayne County Speedway – 26 entries |
Hyper Racing lucky Racer:
MacKenzie Burgess
Hoosier Speed quick
time: Kayla Roell
SPEC Racing Engine heat
winners: Brad Strunk, Steve
Justis, Jeremy Huebner,
Brandon Deputy
Rod End Supply Podium
Feature event: Brad Strunk,
Logan Anderson, Adyn Schmidt
Keizer Aluminum Wheel,
top five of race, 5th place:
Steve Justis
Wilwood Brakes, good
break of the race 7th place:
Brandon Justus
Saldana Racing Products,
Lucky 13th place: Darren
Hinchman top running
rookie: Darren Urfer
Tall J Maintenance
Passing Master: Logan
Bailey Chassis top
runner: Brad Strunk
Afco Shocking Moment of
race: Collin Jackson testing
out the back straight wall.
Swat Pest B-Main winner:
Nolan Kiefer
Benic Enterprises hard
luck, just missed A-main:
Emily McCrary
Feature Results:
Brad Strunk
Logan Anderson
Adyn Schmidt
Jeremy Huebner
Steve Justis
Greg Dedrick Jr.
Brandon Justus
Aaron Roell
Kayla Roell
Eric Webber
Jeremy Schnepper
Nolan Kiefer
Darran Urfer
Logan Harris
Scott Hoover
Samantha Beadles
Brandon Deputy
Zach Montz
Cody Knieriem
Emily McCrary
Gage Green
May 29th – Tri-State Speedway – 37 entries |
Hyper Racing lucky Racer:
Kobe Derringer
Hoosier Speed quick
time: Brad Strunk
SPEC Racing Engine heat
winners: Brad Strunk, Kayla
Roell, Aydn Schmidt, Brandon
Rod End Supply Podium
Feature event: Brad Strunk,
Kayla Roell, Cody Knieriem
Keizer Aluminum Wheel,
top five of race, 5th place:
Brandon Deputy
Wilwood Brakes, good
break of the race 7th place:
Aaron Roell
Saldana Racing Products,
Lucky 13th place: Samantha
Hinchman top running
rookie: Darren Urfer
Tall J Maintenance
Passing Master: Bryan Brewer
Bailey Chassis top
runner: Brad Strunk
Afco Shocking Moment of
race: 37 cars (best of 3
Swat Pest B-Main winner:
Steve Justis, Darren Urfer
Benic Enterprises hard
luck, just missed A-main:
Holden, Knoke
A-Main Results:
Brad Strunk
Kayla Roell
Cody Knieriem
Dean Parker
Brandon Deputy
Logan Anderson
Aaron Roell
Steve Justis
Nolan Kiefer
Bryan Brewer
Adam Turpen
Aydn Schmidt
Samantha Beadles
Eric Webber
Darren Urfer
Scott Hoover
Cade Flynn
Kendrick Perry
Brock Kissinger
Greg Dedrick Jr.
Brandon Justus
Blake Miles
May 27th – Lincoln Park Speedway – 33 entries |
Hyper Racing lucky Racer:
Hoosier Speed quick
time: Aydn Schmidt
SPEC Racing Engine heat
winners: Kayla Roell,
Michael Larrison,
Brandon Deputy, Sam
Rod End Supply Podium
Feature event: Bryan Brewer,
Brad Strunk, Aydn Schmidt
Keizer Aluminum Wheel,
top five of race, 5th place:
Brandon Deputy
Wilwood Brakes, good
break of the race 7th place:
Aaron Roell
Saldana Racing Products,
Lucky 13th place: Zachary
Hinchman top running
rookie: Sam Hinds
Tall J Maintenance
Passing Master: Brad Strunk
Bailey Chassis top
runner: Bryan Brewer
Afco Shocking Moment of
race: Brewer first win in 22
Swat Pest B-Main winner:
Brad Strunk
Benic Enterprises hard
luck, just missed A-main:
Feature Results:
Bryan Brewer
Brad Strunk
Aydn Schmidt
Sam Hinds
Brandon Deputy
Michael Larrison
Aaron Roell
Cody Knieriem
Kayla Roell
Steve Justis
Adam Turpen
Nolan Kiefer
Zachary Montz
Blake Miles
Darren Urfer
Brock Kissinger
Raymond Holden
Logan Anderson
Kobe Derringer
Cade Flynn
Brandon Coffey
Elijah Knoke
April 23rd – Tri-State Speedway – 21 invited entries |
Saturday April 23rd –
Tri-State Speedway – 21
invited entries
Hyper Racing lucky
Racer: Brad Strunk
Hoosier Speed quick
time: Brad Strunk
SPEC Racing Engine heat
winners: Brad Strunk,
Brendon Casscadden
Rod End Supply Podium
Feature event: Brad Strunk,
Kayla Roell, Brendon
Keizer Aluminum Wheel,
top five of race, 5th place:
Aydn Schmidt
Wilwood Brakes, good
break of the race 7th place:
Jeremy Huebner
Saldana Racing Products,
Lucky 13th place: Logan
Hinchman top running
Tall J Maintenance
Passing Master: Aaron Roell
Bailey Chassis top
runner: Brad Strunk
Afco Shocking Moment of
race: Cade Flynn (flip in
heat race)
Benic Enterprises hard
luck, just missed A-main:
Feature Results:
Brad Strunk
Kayla Roell
Brendon Cascadden
Dean Parker
Aydn Schmidt
Aaron Roell
Jeremy Huebner
Logan Anderson
Cameron Barker
Steve Justis
Adam Turpen
Jeremy Schnepper
Logan Harris
Eric Webber
Brandon Justus
Levi Whitehouse
Cody Knieriem
Raymond Holden
Greg Dedrick Jr.
Couldn’t Start:
Jeff Schindler
Cade Flynn
Saturday April 16th – Brownstown Speedway – 35 entries
Saturday April 16th – Brownstown Speedway – 35 entries
Hyper Racing lucky Racer: Rod Henning
Hoosier Speed quick time: Kayla Roell
SPEC Racing Engine heat winners: Kayla Roelle, Rod Henning, Brad Strunk, Logan Anderson
Rod End Supply Podium Feature event: Rod Henning, Brad Strunk, Logan Anderson
Keizer Aluminum Wheel, top five of race, 5th place: Cody Knieriem
Wilwood Brakes, good break of the race 7th place: Mike Larrison
Saldana Racing Products, Lucky 13th place: Darren Urfer
top running rookie: Mike Larrison
Tall J Maintenance Passing Master: Gage Green
Bailey Chassis top runner: Rod Henning
Afco Shocking Moment of race: Bryan Brewer (flip in hotlaps)
Swat Pest B-Main winner: Kobe Derringer
Benic Enterprises hard luck, just missed A-main: Kendrick Perry
Heat Race Winners: Kayla Roell, Rod Henning , Brad Strunk, Logan Anderson
B-Main Winner: Kobe Derringer
Feature Results:
Rod Henning
Brad Strunk
Logan Anderson
Kayla Roell
Cody Knieriem
Jeremy Huebner
Mike Larrison
Gage Green
Nolan Kiefer
Kobe Derringer
Aaron Roell
Steve Justis
Darran Urfer
Austin England
Jeremy Schnepper
Eric Webber
Brock Kissinger
Logan Harris
Elijah Knoke
Levi Whitehouse
Cade Flynn
Greg Dedrick Jr.
Saturday October 9th, 2021 – Tri-State Speedway – 42 entries
Saturday October 9th, 2021 – Tri-State Speedway – 42 entries
Hyper Racing lucky draw: Ken Coulston
Hoosier Speed quick time: Jeff Schindler
SPEC Racing Engine heat winners: Ken Coulston, Dean Parker,
Logan Anderson, Brandon Coffey
Rod End Supply Podium Feature event: Justin Davis, Brandon
Coffey, Dean Parker
Keizer Aluminum Wheel, top five of race, 5th place: Brad Strunk
Wilwood Brakes, good break of the race 7th place: Brandon Justus
Saldana Racing Products, Lucky 13th place: Andy Bradley
Hinchman top running rookie: Brandon Justus
Tall J Maintenance Hard Charger: Cody Trammell
Bailey Chassis top runner: Justin Davis
Afco Shocking Moment of race: Brandon Coffey (wrapping up 2021
Swat Pest B-Main winner: Kayla Roell and Samantha Alloway
Feature Results:
Justin Davis
Brandon Coffey
Dean Parker Rod Henning
Brad Strunk
Cody Trammell
Brandon Justus
Kayla Roell
Adyn Schmidt
Logan Anderson
Bryan Brewer
Ken Coulston
Andy Bradley
Brandon Deputy
Nolan Kiefer
Aaron Roell
Samantha Alloway
Cade Flynn
Steve Justis
Jaylon Mills
Eric Webber
Josh Hixson
Saturday September 18th, 2021 – Tri-State Speedway – 31 entries
Saturday September 18th, 2021 – Tri-State Speedway – 31 entries
Hyper Racing lucky draw: Ashton Walker
Hoosier Speed quick time: Brad Strunk
SPEC Racing Engine heat winners: Nolan Kiefer, Brandon Coffey,
Cody Trammell, Kayla Roell
Rod End Supply Podium Feature event: Kayla Roell, Brandon Coffey,
Cody Trammell, Kayla Roell
Keizer Aluminum Wheel, top five of race, 5th place: Aydn Schmidt
Wilwood Brakes, good break of the race 7th place: Dean Parker
Saldana Racing Products, Lucky 13th place: Samantha Alloway
Hinchman top running rookie: Brandon Justis
Tall J Maintenance Hard Charger: Aydn Schmidt
Bailey Chassis top runner: Kayla Roell
Afco Shocking Moment of race: Huebner flip
Swat Pest
B-Main winner: Logan Anderson
Feature Results:
Kayla Roell
Brandon Coffey
Brad Strunk
Brandon Justus
Aydn Schmidt
Justin Davis
Dean Parker
Nolan Kiefer Cade Flynn
Bryan Brewer
Aaron Roell
Logan Anderson Samantha Alloway
Josh Hixson
Brandon Deputy
Ken Coulston
Scott Hoover
Cody Trammell
Steve Justis
Logan Harris
Greg Dedrick Jr.
Cody Knieriem
September 11th, 2021 – Wayne County Speedway – 21
entries |
Saturday September 11th,
2021 – Wayne County Speedway – 21 entries
Hyper Racing lucky draw: Bryan Brewer
Hoosier Speed quick time: Cody Trammell
SPEC Racing Engine heat winners: Brandon
Justus, Kayla Roell, Brandon Coffey
Rod End Supply Podium Feature event: Cody
Trammell, Brandon Coffey, Bryan Brewer
Aluminum Wheel, top five of race, 5th place: Kayla Roell
Wilwood Brakes, good break of the race 7th
place: Brandon Deputy
Saldana Racing Products, Lucky 13th place: Ben
Hinchman top running rookie: Brandon Justus
Tall J Maintenance Hard Charger: Jaylon Mills
Bailey Chassis top runner: Cody Trammell
Afco Shocking Moment of race: Dedrick and
Pest B-Main winner:
Feature Results:
Trammell Brandon Coffey
Bryan Brewer
Brandon Justus Kayla Roell
Jeremy Huebner Brandon Deputy
Jaylon Mills Logan Anderson
Nolan Kiefer Aaron Roell
Justin Davis Ben Kissel
Austin England Logan Harris
Steve Justis Greg Dedrick Jr.
Eric Webber Jeff Schindler
Samantha Alloway David Jackson
September 3rd, 2021 – Bloomington Speedway – 30 entries |
Friday September 3rd,
2021 – Bloomington Speedway
– 30 entries
Hyper Racing lucky draw:
Justin Davis
Hoosier Speed quick time:
Jeff Schindler and Tall J
Maintenance 4th
SPEC Racing Engine heat
winners: Bryan Brewer,
Jaylon Mills, Nolan Kiefer,
Brandon Coffey
Rod End Supply Podium
Feature event: Brad Strunk,
Kayla Roell,
Keizer Aluminum Wheel,
top five of race, 5th place:
Jeff Schindler
Wilwood Brakes, good
break of the race 7th place
Brandon Deputy
Saldana Racing Products,
Lucky 13th place: Eric
Hinchman top running
rookie: Cameron Barker
Tall J Maintenance Hard
Charger: Justin Davis
Bailey Chassis top
runner: Brad Strunk
Afco Shocking Moment of
race: Kiefer, Knieriem,
Swat Pest B-Main winner:
Justin Davis
Feature Results:
Brad Strunk
Kayla Roell
Brandon Coffey
Jaylon Mills
Jeff Schindler
Cody Trammell
Brandon Deputy
Justin Davis
Cameron Barker
Aaron Roell
Samantha Alloway
Josh Hixson
Eric Webber
Jeremy Huebner
Logan Anderson
Travis Stickels
Bryan Brewer
Nolan Kiefer
Cody Knieriem
Austin England
Cody Lawrence
Cade Flynn
Saturday August 28, 2021 – Lincoln Park Speedway
– 23 entries |
Saturday August 28, 2021 – Lincoln Park Speedway – 23
Hyper Racing lucky draw: Brad
Hoosier Speed quick time:
SPEC Racing Engine heat winners:
Brad Strunk, Bryan Brewer, Kayla
Rod End Supply Podium Feature
event: Cody Trammell, Brad Strunk,
Kayla Roell,
Keizer Aluminum Wheel, top five of
race, 5th place: Jeff Schindler
Wilwood Brakes, good break of the
race 7th place Austin Englad
Saldana Racing Products, Lucky 13th
place: Cody Lawrence
Hinchman top running rookie: Logan
Hard Charger: Logan Harris
Bailey Chassis top runner: Cody
Afco Shocking Moment of race:
Adams, Knieriem, Alloway (flips)
Swat Pest B-Main winner:
Cody Trammell Brad Strunk
Kayla Roell Brandon Coffey Jeff Schindler Josh
Hixson Austin England Logan Harris Logan
Anderson Aaron Roell Eric Webber Cody Knieriem
Cody Lawrence Jeremy Huebner Samantha Alloway
Nolan Kiefer Bryan Brewer Justin Davis Anthony
DNSCameron Barker, Eli FoxJeremy Schnepper,
Greg Dedreck Jr
Saturday August 21,
2021 – Lincoln Park Speedway – 33
entries |
Saturday August 21, 2021 – Lincoln Park Speedway – 33
Hyper Racing lucky draw: Raymond Holden
Hoosier Speed quick time: Raymond Holden
SPEC Racing Engine heat winners: Cody Knieriem, Jeff
Brad Strunk, Kayla Roell
Rod End Supply Podium Feature event: Brad Strunk, Kayla
Cody Trammell
Keizer Aluminum Wheel, top five of race, 5th place: Jeff
Wilwood Brakes, good break of the race 7th place: Cody
Saldana Racing Products, Lucky 13th place: Page Perrine
Hinchman top running rookie: Nolan Kiefer
Hard Charger: Brandon Deputy
Bailey Chassis top runner: Brad Strunk
Afco Shocking Moment of race: Jeremy Schnepper (flip)
Swat Pest B-Main winner: Brandon Deputy
Feature Results:
Brad Strunk
Kayla Roell
Cody Trammell
Brandon Coffey
Jeff Schindler
Brandon Deputy
Cody Knieriem
Justin Davis
Nolan Kiefer
Aaron Roell
Logan Anderson
Jeremy Huebner
Page Perrine
Cody Lawrence
Samantha Alloway
Josh Hixson
Cade Flynn
Eric Webber
Austin England
Jason Knoke
Cameron Barker
Anthony Adams
Friday August 13th, 2021
– Thunder Valley Raceway –
21 entries |
Friday August 13th, 2021
– Thunder Valley Raceway –
21 entries
Hyper Racing lucky draw:
Brandon Coffey
Hoosier Speed quick time:
Cade Flynn
SPEC Racing Engine heat
winners: Jeremy Huebner,
Cody Lawrence, Kayla Roell
Rod End Supply Podium
Feature event: Kayla Roell,
Brandon Coffey, Cameron
Keizer Aluminum Wheel,
top five of race, 5th place:
Cade Flynn
Wilwood Brakes, good
break of the race 7th place:
Cody Knieriem
Saldana Racing Products,
Lucky 13th place: Nolan
Hinchman top running
rookie: Cameron Barker
Hard Charger: Cody
Bailey Chassis top
runner: Kayla Roell
Afco Shocking Moment of
race: Kayla Roell (first
MMSA feature
Feature results:
Kayla Roell
Brandon Coffey
Cameron Barker
Jeff Schindler
Cade Flynn
Jeremy Huebner
Cody Knieriem
Samantha Alloway
Aaron Roell
Scott Hoover
Logan Anderson
Jeremy Schnepper
Nolan Kiefer
Josh Hixson
Eric Webber
Austin England
Logan Harris
Cody Lawrence
Cody Trammell
Ben Thompson
August 8th, 2021 – Twin Cities Raceway – 21 entries |
Hyper Racing lucky draw:
Brandon Coffey
Hoosier Speed quick time:
Tripp Gerald
SPEC Racing Engine heat
winners: Coffey, Strunk,
Rod End Supply Podium
Feature event: Brandon
Coffey, Trip Gerald,
Keizer Aluminum Wheel,
top five of race, 5th place:
Wilwood Brakes, good
break of the race 7th place:
Nolan Keifer
Saldana Racing Products,
Lucky 13th place: Eric
Hinchman top running
rookie: Cade Flynn
Bailey Chassis top
runner: Brandon Coffey
Afco Shocking Moment of
race: green to checkers
Twin Cities Raceway
Heat winners
Brandon Coffey
Brad Strunk
Nolan Kiefer
Feature results
Brandon Coffey
Tripp Gerald
Brad Strunk
Jeff Schindler
Jeremy Huebner
Cade Flynn
Nolan Kiefer
Cameron Barker
Samanthat Alloway
Aaron Roell
Josh Hixson
Austin England
Eric Webber
Marty Spitler
Logan Harris
Greg Dedrick Jr.
Kayla Roell
Cody Trammell
Levi Whitehouse
Cody Knieriem
Scott Hoover
July 30th, 2021 – Thunder Valley Raceway – 21 entries |
Hyper Racing lucky draw:
Jeremy Huebner
Hoosier Speed quick time:
Cody Trammell
SPEC Racing Engine heat
winners: Strunk, Coffey,
Rod End Supply Podium
Feature event: Cody Trammel,
Brad Strunk, Kayla Roell
Keizer Aluminum Wheel,
top five of race, 5th place:
Jaylon Mills
Wilwood Brakes, good
break of the race 7th place:
Arron Roell
Saldana Racing Products,
Lucky 13th place: Cody
Hinchman top running
rookie: Nolan Kiefer
Hard Charger: Cody
Bailey Chassis top
runner: Cody Trammel
Afco Shocking Moment of
race: Scoot Hoover (flip in
Feature results:
Cody Trammell
Brad Strunk
Kayla Roell
Brandon Coffey
Jaylon Mills
Jeff Schindler
Aaron Roell
Travis Stickels
Josh Hixson
Nolan Keifer
Cameron Barker
Jeremy Huebner
Cody Knieriem
Levi Whitehouse
Logan Harris
Scott Hoover
Dave Jackson
Cade Flynn
Austin England
Samantha Alloway
Eric Webber
July 9th, 2021 – Paragon Speedway – 27 entries |
Friday July 9th, 2021 –
Paragon Speedway – 27
Hyper Racing lucky draw:
Eli Fox
Hoosier Speed quick
time: Brad Strunk
SPEC Racing Engine heat
winners: Strunk, Roell,
Rod End Supply Podium
Feature event: Cody Trammel,
Schindler, Brad Strunk
Keizer Aluminum Wheel,
top five of race, 5th place:
Brandon Coffey
Wilwood Brakes, good
break of the race 7th place:
Cameron Barker
Saldana Racing Products,
Lucky 13th place: Kiefer
Hinchman top running
rookie: Cade Flynn
Hard Charger: Brandon
Bailey Chassis top
runner: Cody Trammel
Afco Shocking Moment of
Feature Results
Cody Trammel
Jeff Schindler
Brad Strunk
Justin Davis
Brandon Coffey
Saturday July 3rd, 2021 – Lincoln Park Speedway |
Saturday July 3rd, 2021
– Lincoln Park Speedway – 30 entries
Hyper Racing lucky draw: Blake Miles
Hoosier Speed quick time: Brad Strunk
SPEC Racing Engine heat winners: Cody
Trammell, Kendrick Knieriem, Kayla Roell
Rod End Supply Podium Feature event: Brandon
Coffey, Brad Strunk, Cody Trammell
Keizer Aluminum Wheel, top five of race, 5th
place: Kayla Roell
Wilwood Brakes, good break of the race 7th place:
Justin Davis
Saldana Racing Products, Lucky 13th place: Adam Turpin
Hinchman top running rookie: Nolan Kiefer
Langley Excavating Hard Charger: Samantha
Chassis top runner: Brandon Coffey
Afco Shocking Moment of race: Levi
Swat Pest B-Main winner: Jeremy Huebner
Feature Results
Brandon Coffey Brad Strunk
Cody Trammell Jeff Schindler
Kayla Roell Aaron Roell
Justin Davis Nolan Kiefer
Brandon Justus Cody Lawrence
Sam Alloway Jeremy Huebner
Adam Turpen
Cody Knieriem Cade Flynn
Logan Anderson Scott Hoover
Josh Hixson Jeremy Schnepper
Eric Webber Austin England
Megan Cavaness
June 26th, 2021 - Summer Shootout |
Saturday June 26th, 2021 -
Summer Shootout – 41 entries
Hyper Racing lucky draw:
Brandon Justus
Hoosier Speed quick
time: Jeff Schindler
SPEC Racing Engine heat
winners: Aydn Schmidt, Kayla
Roell, Bryan
Brewer, Brad Strunk
Rod End Supply Podium
Feature event: Justin Davis,
Brad Strunk, Jeff Schindler
Keizer Aluminum Wheel,
top five of race, 5th place:
Dean Parker
Wilwood Brakes, good
break of the race 7th place:
Nolan Kiefer
Saldana Racing Products,
Lucky 13th place: Jac
Hinchman top running
rookie: Nolan Keifer
Langley Excavating Hard
Charger: Samantha Alloway
Bailey Chassis top
runner: Justin Davis
Afco Shocking Moment of
race: Sam Meny flips in turn
Swat Pest B-Main winner:
Nolan Keifer, Brandon Justus
Feature Results:
Justin Davis
Brad Strunk
Jeff Schindler
Kayla Roell
Dram Parker
Cody Gardner
Nolan Kiefer
Aaron Roell
Zach Daum
Jeremy Huebner
Josh Hixson
Sam Alloway
Jac Nickles
Greg Dedrick Jr.
Bryan Brewer
Brandon Justus
Brendon Cascadden
Jaylon Mills
Brandon Coffey
Cody Trammell
Adyn Schmidt
in the Valley |
Friday, June 4th, 2021 –
Thunder Valley Raceway -
Thunder in the Valley – 28
Hyper Racing lucky draw:
Eric Webber
Hoosier Speed quick
time: Cody Trammell
SPEC Racing Engine heat
winners: Cody Trammell,
Brandon Coffey,
Bryan Brewer, Keith
Rod End Supply Podium
Feature event: Cody Trammel,
Brandon Coffey, Justin Davis
Keizer Aluminum Wheel,
top five of race, 5th place:
Jeff Schindler
Wilwood Brakes, good
break of the race 7th place:
Greg Dedrick Jr
Saldana Racing Products,
Lucky 13th place: Samantha
Hinchman top running
rookie: Adam Turpin
Langley Excavating Hard
Charger: Josh Hixson
Bailey Chassis top
runner: Cody Trammell
Afco Shocking Moment of
race: flips in turn 4
Swat Pest B-Main winner:
Aaron Roell
Feature Results:
Cody Trammell
Brandon Coffey
Justin Davis
Kayla Roell
Jeff Schindler
Bryan Brewer
Greg Dedrick Jr.
Travis Stickles
Keith Langley
Adam Turpen
Josh Hixson
Brandon Justus
Samantha Alloway
Dylan Hoover
Jeremy Huebner
Eric Webber
Cody Knieriem
Aaron Roell
Nolan Kiefer
Scott Hoover
Kurt Drake
Cade Flynn
Tri- State Speedway -Memorial Day Classic |
Sunday, May 30th, 2021
Tri- State Speedway -Memorial Day Classic - 38 entries
Hyper Racing lucky draw: Steve Justis
Hoosier Speed quick time: Jeff Schindler
SPEC Racing Engine heat winners: Justin Davis, Brandon Coffey,
Aydn Schmidt, Kayla Roell
Rod End Supply Podium Feature event: Justin Davis, Kayla Roell,
Cody Trammel
Keizer Aluminum Wheel, top five of race, 5th place: Bryan Brewer
Wilwood Brakes, good break of the race 7th place: Brandons Coffey
Saldana Racing Products, Lucky 13th place: Brandon Deputy
Hinchman top running rookie: Aydn Schmidt
Langley Excavating Hard Charger: Keith Langley
Bailey Chassis top runner: Justin Davis
Afco Shocking Moment of race:
Swat Pest B-Main winner: Cody Knieriem
Feature Results:
Justin Davis
Kayla Roell
Cody Trammell
Tripp Gerrald
Bryan Brewer
Keith Langley
Brandon Coffey
Jeff Schindler
Rod Henning
Brad Strunk
Adyn Schmidt
Nolan Kiefer
Brandon Deputy
Aaron Roell
Dean Parker
Cale Medler
Samantha Alloway
Josh Hixson
Dalton Bayer
Brandon Justus
Steve Justis
Cody Knieriem
Twin Cities Raceway
– Mini Sprint Rumble |
Saturday, May 22nd, 2021 – Twin Cities Raceway – Mini Sprint Rumble - 25 entries
Hyper Racing lucky draw: Rod Henning
Hoosier Speed quick time: Jeff Schindler
SPEC Racing Engine heat winners: Tripp Gerald, Rod Henning, Brandon Coffey
Rod End Supply Podium Feature event: Tripp Gerald, Brandon Coffey, Rod Henning
Keizer Aluminum Wheel, top five of race, 5th place: Kayla Roell
Wilwood Brakes, good break of the race 7th place: Brandon Justus
Saldana Racing Products, Lucky 13th place: Eli Fox
Hinchman top running rookie: Brandon Justus
Langley Excavating Hard Charger: Keith Langley
Bailey Chassis top runner: Tripp Gerald
Afco Shocking Moment of race: Jeremy Huebner, Bryan Brewer (turn two incident)
Swat Pest B-Main winner:
Feature Results:
Tripp Gerald
Brandon Coffey
Rod Henning
Jeff Schindler
Kayla Roell
Justin Davis
Brandon Justus
Aaron Roell
Jeremy Huebner Keith Langley
Samantha Alloway
Greg Dedrick Jr.
Eli Fox
Ben Kissel
Travis Stickels
Eric Webber
Levi Whitehouse
Cade Flynn
Brad Strunk
Scott Hoover
Austin England
Kendrick Perry
Saturday, May 15th, 2021 – Tri-State
Tri-State Speedway – Midwest
Madness -36 entries
Hyper Racing lucky draw: Steve
Hoosier Speed quick time: Jeff
SPEC Racing Engine heat
winners: Kayla Rolle, Justin Davis, Jeff Schindler,
Bryan Brewer
Rod End Supply Podium Feature
event: Jeff Schindler, Jaylon Mills, Kayla Rolle
Keizer Aluminum Wheel, top five
of race, 5th place: Brandon Coffey
Wilwood Brakes, good break of
the race 7th place:
Bryan Brewer
Saldana Racing Products, Lucky
13th place: Brandon Smith
Hinchman top running rookie:
Nolan Keifer
Langley Excavating Hard
Charger: Dean Parker
Bailey Chassis top runner: Jeff
Afco Shocking Moment of race:
Jeremy Huebner, Dean Parker (up in smoke)
Swat Pest B-Main winner: Dean
Feature Results:
Jeff Schindler
Jaylon Mills
Kayla Roell
Jac Nickles
Brandon Coffey
Justin Davis
Bryan Brewer
Dean Parker
Nolan Kiefer
Keith Langley
Chase Fischer
Brandon Justus
Brandon Smith
Adam Taylor
Logan Anderson
Aaron Roell
Greg Dedrick Jr.
Adam Turpen
Aydn Schmidt
Steve Justis
Kenneth Bowers
Jeremy Huebner
Saturday, May 1st,
2021 – Lincoln Park Speedwayy |
Winged Warrior Weekend - 33 entries
Hyper Racing lucky draw: Jaylon Mills
Hoosier Speed quick time: Bryan Brewer
SPEC Racing Engine heat winners: Kayla Roelle, Keith Langley, Bryan Brewer, Brad Strunk
Rod End Supply Podium Feature event: Brad Strunk, Bryan Brewer, Rod Henning
Keizer Aluminum Wheel, top five of race, 5th place: Cody Trammell
Wilwood Brakes, good break of the race 7th place: Brandon Coffey
Saldana Racing Products, Lucky 13th place: Logan Anderson
Hinchman top running rookie: Nolan Keifer
Langley Excavating Hard Charger: Jac Nickles
Bailey Chassis top runner: Brad Strunk
Afco Shocking Moment of race: Jeremy Huebner, flip
Swat Pest B-Main winner: Jac Nickels
Feature Results:
Brad Strunk
Bryan Brewer
Rod Henning
Jaylon Mills
Cody Trammell
Brandon Cascadden
Brandon Coffey
Jac Nickles
Justin Davis
Keith Langley
Jeff Schindler
Nolan Kiefer
Logan Anderson
Matt Cogley
Cody Knieriem
Samantha Alloway
Aaron Roell
Jeremy Huebner
Cale Medler
Kayla Roell
Scott Hoover
Alex Cogley
Saturday, April 17th,
2021 - Tri-State Speedway - Night with USAC/MSCS |
38 entries
Hyper Racing lucky draw: Samantha Beadles
Hoosier Speed quick time: Jeff Schindler
SPEC Racing Engine heat winners: Justin Davis, Jeff Schindler, Kayla Roell, Cale Medler
Rod End Supply Podium Feature event: Justin Davis, Jeff Schindler, Kayla Roell
Keizer Aluminum Wheel, top five of race, 5th place: Cody Trammell
Wilwood Brakes, good break of the race 7th place: Cale Medler
Saldana Racing Products, Lucky 13th place: Brandon Smith
Hinchman top running rookie: Brandon Justus
Langley Excavating Hard Charger: Aaron Roell
Bailey Chassis top runner: Justin Davis
Afco Shocking Moment of race: Jaylon Mills up in smoke
Swat Pest B-Main winner: Bryan Brewer
Feature Results:
Justin Davis
Jeff Schindler
Kayla Roell Brandon Coffey
Cody Trammell
Keith Langley Cale Medler Aaron Roell Dean Parker
Raymond Holden
Logan Anderson
Bryan Brewer
Brandon Smith
Brendon Cascadden Brandon Justus
Adam Turpen Alex Cogley Jeremy Huebner
Brad Strunk Austin England
Jaylon Mills
Greg Dedrick Jr
Saturday, April 17th, 2021
Tri-State Speedway
Night with WOO |
23 entries
Hyper Racing lucky draw: TBD
Schafer Oil quick time: Jeff Schindler
SPEC Racing Engine heat winners: Jeff Schindler, Kayla Roell, Jaylon Mills
Rod End Supply Podium Feature event: Aydn Schmidt, Jeff Schindler, Cody Trammell
Keizer Aluminum Wheel, top five of race, 5th place, Justin Davis
Wilwood Brakes, good break of the race 7th place, Rod Henning
Saldana Racing Products, Lucky 13th place, Nolan Keifer
Hinchman top running rookie, Aydn Schmidt
Hoosier Speed, hard luck of the race, Logan Anderson
Langley Hard Charger, Brandon Coffey +12 finished 4th
Bailey Chassis: top runner Aydn Schmidt
Hoosier Speed Feature Results:
Aydn Schmidt
Jeff Schindler
Cody Trammell
Brandon Coffey
Justin Davis
Brad Strunk
Rod Henning
Jeffery Wallace
Cale Medler
Kayla Roell
Aaron Roell
Dean Parker
Nolan Keifer
Keith Langley
Bryan Brewer
Josh Hixson
Raymond Holden
Greg Dedrick Jr
James Meny
Brandon Deputy
Jaylon Mills
Brendon Cascadden
Logan Anderson
2020 MMSA Champion |
2020 MMSA Champion
Jaylon Mills |
2020 MMSA Rookie of the Year |
2020 MMSA Rookie of the
Year Jeremy Huebner
Saturday October 10th, 2020
Harvest Cup |
Saturday October 10th, 2020
Tri-State Speedway
Harvest Cup
Schafer Oil quick time: Jeff Schindler
SPEC Racing Engine heat winners: Dean Parker, Ethan
Rutherford, Justin Davis
Rod End Supply Podium Feature
event: Jaylon Mills, Keith Langley, Dean Parker
Keizer Aluminum Wheel, top five
of race, 5th place, Brandon Coffey
Wilwood Brakes, good break of
the race 7th place, Jeff Schindler
Saldana Racing Products, Lucky
13th place, Anthony Haas
Hinchman top running rookie, Kayla Roell
Hoosier Speed, hard luck of the race, Aydn Schmidt
Langley Hard Charger, Jeff Schindler
Feature Results:
Jaylon Mills
Keith Langley
Dean Parker
Justin Davis
Brandon Coffey
Ethan Rutherford
Jeff Schindler
Kayla Roell
Mike Neau
Logan Anderson
Jeremy Huebner
Anthony Haas
Brandon Smith
Cake Medler
Brandon Deputy
Josh Hixson
Mike Miles
Aydn Schmidt
Raymond Holden
Greg Dedrick Jr.
October 2nd, 2020 Thunder
Valley Raceway Fall
Sprint Show
October 2nd, 2020
Valley Raceway
Sprint Show
25 entries
Oil quick time: Jeff Schindler
Racing Engine heat winners: Kayla Roell, Jaylon
Mills, Jeff Schindler, Ethan Rutherford
Rod End
Supply Podium Feature event: Jaylon Mills, Brandon
Coffey, Brandon Deputy
Aluminum Wheel, top five of race, 5th
place, Keith Langley
Brakes, good break of the race 7th place,
Kayle Roell
Racing Products, Lucky 13th place, Alex
top running rookie, Kayla Roell
Speed, hard luck of the race, Dean Parker
Langley Hard Charger, Bryan Brewer.
Feature Results:
Jaylon Mills
Brandon Coffey
Brandon Deputy
Ethan Rutherford
Keith Langley
Jac Nickles
Kayla Roell
Anthony Haas
Jeremy Huebner
Bryan Brewer
Jeff Schindler
Josh Hixson
Alex Cogley
Justin Davis
Travis Stickels
Aaron Roell
Greg Dedrick Jr.
Matt Cogley
Mike Miles
Colin Miller
Austin England
James Meny
Nolan Kiefer
Dean Parker
Dave Jackson
Saturday September 26th,
2020 Wayne County Speedway Trump 45 night
Saturday September 26th, 2020
Wayne County Speedway
Trump 45 night
22 entries
Schafer Oil quick time: Cody
SPEC Racing Engine heat winners:
Jaylon Mills, Cody Trammell, Tripp Gerrald
Rod End Supply Podium Feature
event: Jeff Schindler, Jaylon Mills, Brandon Deputy
Keizer Aluminum Wheel, top five of
race, 5th place, Anthony Haas
Wilwood Brakes, good break of the
race 7th place, Travis Stickles
Saldana Racing Products, Lucky 13th
place, Aaron Roell
Hinchman top running rookie, Jeremy
Hoosier Speed, hard luck of the
race, Cody Trammell
Langley Hard Charger, Brandon
Coffey, Mike Miles
Feature Results:
Jeff Schindler
Jaylon Mills
Brandon Deputy
Jeremy Huebner
Anthony Haas
Travis Stickels
Bryan Brewer
Brandon Coffey
Austin England
Keith Langley
Ethan Rutherford
Mike Miles
Aaron Roell
Kayla Roell
Steve Justis
Tripp Gerrald
Justin Davis
Doug Johnson
Dylan Moan
Dean Parker
Cody Trammell
Greg Dedrick Jr.
Friday September 25th, 2020
Thunder Valley Raceway Tony Stewart Night
Friday September 25th, 2020
Thunder Valley Raceway
Tony Stewart Night
24 entries
Schafer Oil quick time: Jac Nickles
SPEC Racing Engine heat winners:
Jeff Schindler, Brendon Cascadden, Jac Nickles
Rod End Supply Podium Feature
event: Brandon Coffey, Jaylon Mills, Thomas Gerrald
Keizer Aluminum Wheel, top five of
race, 5th place, Ethan Rutherford
Wilwood Brakes, good break of the
race 7th, Jeremy Huebner
Saldana Racing Products, Lucky
13th, Jeff Schindler
Hinchman top running rookie, Kayla
Hoosier Speed, hard luck of the
race, Jeff Schindler
Langley Hard Charger, Jaylon Mills
Feature Results:
Brandon Coffey
Jaylon Mills
Tripp Gerrald
Kayla Roell
Ethan Rutherford
Anthony Haas
Jeremy Huebner
Brandon Deputy
Colin Miller
Mike Miles
Greg Dedrick Jr.
Josh Hixson
Jeff Schindler
Aaron Roell
James Meny
Travis Stickels
Austin England
David Jackson
Brendon Cascadden
Jac Nickles
Justin Davis
Keith Langley
Bryan Brewer
Eric Huebner
Sunday September 6th,
2020 Tri-State Speedway Labor Day Weekend Specail
Sunday September 6th, 2020
Tri-State Speedway
Labor Day Weekend Specail
23 entries
Schafer Oil quick time: Dean
SPEC Racing Engine heat
winners: Ethan Rutherford, Cale Medler, Jaylon Mills
Rod End Supply Podium Feature
event: Brandon Coffey, Jaylon Mills, Jeff Schindler
Keizer Aluminum Wheel, top five
of race, 5th place, Kayla Roell
Wilwood Brakes, good break of
the race 7th, Dean Parker
Saldana Racing Products, Lucky
13th, Brandon Deputy
Hinchman top running rookie,
Kayla Roell
Hoosier Speed, hard luck of the
race, Dennis Milligan
Langley Hard Charger, Mike
Feature Results:
Brandon Coffey
Jaylon Mills
Jeff Schindler
Ethan Rutherford
Kayla Roell
Cale Medler
Dean Parker
Doug Johnson
Logan Anderson
Bryan Brewer
Mike Miles
Keith Langley
Brandon Deputy
Greg Dedrick Jr.
Raymond Holden
Jeremy Huebner
Justin Davis
Jeramie England
Dalton Bayer
James Meny
Aaron Roell
Dennis Milligan
Austin England
Saturday September 5th, 2020 Wayne
County Speedway Labor Day Weekend Special
Saturday September 5th, 2020
Wayne County Speedway
Labor Day Weekend Special
19 entries
Schafer Oil quick time: Jeff
SPEC Racing Engine heat winners:
Jeff Schindler, Keith Langley, Jaylon Mills
Rod End Supply Podium Feature
event: Jaylon Mills, Brandon Deputy, Brandon Coffey
Keizer Aluminum Wheel, top five of
race, 5th place, Jeff Schindler
Wilwood Brakes, good break of the
race 7th, Austin England
Saldana Racing Products, Lucky
13th, Logan Anderson
Hinchman top running rookie, Jeremy
Hoosier Speed, hard luck of the
race, Logan Anderson
Langley Excavating Hard Charger,
Dean Parker
Wayne County Speedway Results
Feature Results:
Jaylon Mills
Brandon Deputy
Brandon Coffey
Jeremy Huebner
Jeff Schindler
Dean Parker
Austin England
Kayla Roell
Bryan Brewer
Dalton Bayer
Greg Dedrick Jr.
Aaron Roell
Logan Anderson
Ethan Rutherford
Keith Langley
Doug Johnson
Mike Miles
Justin Davis
Jeramie England
Saturday August 22nd, 2020 Licoln Park Speedway
Mini Sprint Nationals |
Saturday August 22nd, 2020 Licoln Park Speedway
Mini Sprint Nationals 24 entries
Schafer Oil
quick time: Jac Nickels
SPEC Racing Engine heat
winners: Keith Langley, Brad Strunk, Jac Nickels
Rod End Supply Podium Feature event: Brandon Coffey, Jac
Nickels, Jaylon Mills
Keizer Aluminum Wheel,
top five of race, 5th place, Brad Strunk
Brakes, good break of the race 7th, Ethan Rutherford
Saldana Racing Products, Lucky 13th, Kayla Roell
Hinchman top running rookie, Jeremy Huebner
Hoosier Speed, hard luck of the race, James Meny
Langley Hard Charger, Alex Congley
Results: Brandon Coffey Jac Nickles Jaylon
Mills Keith Langley Brad Strunk Jeff Schindler
Ethan Rutherford Anthony Haas Jeremy Huebner
Bryan Brewer Anthony Adams Kayla Roell Mike
Miles Alex Cogley Travis Stickels Matt Cogley
Eric Huebner Dave Jackson Cody Trammell Ira
McGill Erik Norman Aaron Roell Jeramie England
James Meny
Friday August 21, 2020 Bloomington Speedway
Mini Sprint Nationals |
August 21, 2020 BloomingtonFriday Speedway
Mini Sprint Nationals 27 entries
Schafer Oil quick
time: Jeremy Huebner
SPEC Racing Engine heat winners: Jeff Schindler, Jeremy
Huebner, Josh Hixson Rod End Supply Podium Feature
event: Keith Langley, Jac Nickles, Cody Trammell
Keizer Aluminum Wheel, top five of race, 5th place,
Bryan Brewer Wilwood Brakes, good break of the race
7th, Jeremy Huebner Saldana Racing Products, Lucky
13th, Colin Miller Hinchman top running rookie, Bryan
Brewer Hoosier Speed, hard luck of the race, Dedrick
and Congley Langley Hard Charger, Brandon Coffey
Bloomington Speedway Results Keith Langley Jac
Nickles Cody Trammell Brad Strunk Bryan Brewer
Brandon Coffey Jeremy Huebner Mike Miles
Anthony Haas Ethan Rutherford Jeff Schindler
Josh Hixson Colin Miller Kayla Roell Matt
Cogley Aaron Roell Austin England James Meny
Eric Huebner Ira McGill Doug Johnson Brandon
Smith Jaylon Mills Erik Norman Couldn’t Start:
Alex Cogley, Greg Dedrick Jr., Chase Fisher
Saturday August 8, 2020 Lincoln Park Speedway |
Saturday August 8, 2020 Lincoln Park Speedway
Mini Sprint Stampede 24 entries
Schafer Oil quick time: Rod Henning
SPEC Racing Engine heat winners: Keith Langley,
Rod Henning, Brandon Coffey
Rod End Supply Podium Feature event: Jaylon
Mills, Brandon Coffey, Jeff Schnidler
Keizer Aluminum Wheel, top five of race, 5th
place, Mike Miles
Wilwood Brakes, good break of the race 7th,
Anthony Adams
Saldana Racing Products, Lucky 13th, Doug Johnson
Hinchman top running rookie, Mike Miles
Hoosier Speed, hard luck of the race, Ethan
Langley Hard Charger, Anthony Adams
Lincoln Park Speedway Results Jaylon Mills
Brandon Coffey Jeff Schindler Brandon Deputy
Mike Miles Anthony Haas Anthony Adams Kayla
Roell Greg Dedrick Jr. Erik Norman Keith
Langley Jeremy Huebner Doug Johnson Greg
Barnes Ethan Rutherford Rod Henning Raymond
Holden Jeremy England Dean Parker Ira
Couldn’t Start: Cale Medler, Bryan Brewer,
Aaron Roell, Austin England
Friday, July 24, 2020 |
Friday, July 24, 2020
Bloomington Speedway
Summer Showdown
23 entries
Schafer Oil quick time: Keith Langley
SPEC Racing Engine heat winners: Jeremy Huebner, Keith
Langley, Brandon Coffey
Rod End Supply Podium Feature event: Brandon Coffey,
Jeff Schindler, Cale Medler
Keizer Aluminum Wheel, top five of race, 5th place,
Brandon Deputy
Wilwood Brakes, good break of the race 7th, Kayla Roell
Saldana Racing Products, Lucky 13th, James Meny
Hinchman top running rookie, Kayla Roell
Hoosier Speed, hard luck of the race, Keith Langley
Langley Hard Charger, Travis Stickles
Bloomington Speedway Results
Brandon Coffey Jeff Schindler Cale Medler Dean Parker Brandon Deputy Ethan Rutherford Kayla Roell Jeremy Huebner Mike Miles Travis Stickles Erik Norman Anthony Haas James Meny Aaron Roell Raymond Holden Greg Dedrick Jr. Josh Hixson Jaylon Mills Keith Langley Bryan Brewer Austin England
Couldn’t Start:
Anthony Adams Logan Anderson
Saturday, July 17, 2020 |
Saturday, July 17, 2020 Thunder
Valley Raceway Summer Sizzler 18 entries
Schafer Oil quick time: Jaydon Mills
SPEC Racing Engine heat winners: Brandon Coffey, Keith
Langley, Jeff Schindler Rod End Supply Podium Feature
event: Keith Langley, Brandon Coffey, Jaylon Mills
Keizer Aluminum Wheel, top five of race, 5th place,
Ethan Rutherford Wilwood Brakes, good break of the
race 7th, Bryan Brewer Saldana Racing Products, Lucky
13th, Austin England Hinchman top running rookie,
Jeremy Huebner Hoosier Speed, hard luck of the race,
Jeff Schindler Langley Hard Charger, Jaylon Mills
Keith Langley, Jeff Schindler
Keith Langley Brandon Coffey Jaylon Mills
Jeremy Huebner Ethan Rutherford Anthony Haas
Bryan Brewer Colin Miller Brandon Deputy
Kayla Roell Mike Miles Greg Barnes Austin
England Jeff Schindler Greg Dedrick Jr.
Aaron Roell Dean Parker Justin Davis
Season Matchup |
Friday, July
10, 2020
Mid Season
21 entries
Schafer Oil
quick time: Keith Langley
SPEC Racing
Engine heat winners: Greg Dedrick, Keith Langley, Drew
Rod End Supply
Podium Feature event: Keith Langley, Drew Dorsett,
Jaylon Mills
Aluminum Wheel, top five of race, 5th place,
Ethan Rutherford
Brakes, good break of the race 7th, Bryan Brewer
Saldana Racing
Products, Lucky 13th, Logan Anderson
Hinchman top
running rookie, Bryan Brewer
Hoosier Speed, hard luck of
the race, Brandon Deputy
Langley Hard Charger, Jeff Schindler
Keith Langley, Drew Dorsett
FEATURE RESULTS: A-Main Results: Keith Langley
Drew Dorsett Jaylon Mills Brandon Coffey Ethan
Rutherford Dean Parker Bryan Brewer Anthony
Adams Kayla Roell Colin Miller Jeff Schindler
Justin Davis Logan Anderson Anthony Haas Erik
Norman Jeremy Huebner Austin England Josh
Unable to start: Brandon Deputy, Greg Dedrick Jr. ,
Alex Shipman
Tri-State Speedway Sunday, July 5, 2020 |
Sunday, July 5, 2020
Tri-State Speedway
American Classic
23 entries
Schafer Oil quick time: Ethan Rutherford
SPEC Racing Engine heat winners: Dean Parker, Keith Langley, Jaylon Mills
Rod End Supply Podium Feature event: Brandon Coffey, Jeff Schindler, Jaylon Mills
Keizer Aluminum Wheel, top five of race, 5th place, Anthony Haas
Wilwood Brakes, good break of the race 7th, Brandon Smith
Saldana Racing Products, Lucky 13th, Bryan Brewer
Hinchman top running rookie, Bryan Brewer
Hoosier Speed, hard luck of the race, Cale Medler
Langley Hard Charger, Anthony Haas
Brandon Coffey 2
Jac Nickles 1
Colin Miller 1
Dean Parker 1
Keith Langley 1
Jaylon Mills 1
A-Main Results:
Brandon Coffey
Jeff Schindler
Jaylon Mills
Ethan Rutherford
Anthony Haas
Dean Parker
Brandon Smith
Justin Davis
Brandon Deputy
Logan Anderson
Keith Langley
Greg Dedrick Jr.
Bryan Brewer
Raymond Holden
Kayla Roell
Mike Miles
Dalton Bayer
Aaron Roell
Jeremy Huebner
Cale Medler
James Meny
Erik Norman
Greg Barnes
MMSA Battle at B’town |
Saturday, June 20, 2020
Brownstown Speedway
MMSA Battle at B’town
21 entries
Schafer Oil quick time: Jac
SPEC Racing Engine heat winners:
Brandon Coffey, Jac Nickles,
Colin Miller
Rod End Supply Podium Feature
event: Rod Henning, Jaylon
Mills, Anthony Haas
Keizer Aluminum Wheel, top five
of race, 5th place,
Jeff Schindler
Wilwood Brakes, good break of
the race 7th, Ethan Rutherrford
Saldana Racing Products, Lucky
13th, Bryan Brewer
Hinchman top running rookie,
Jeremy Huebner
Hoosier Speed, hard luck of the
race, Dean Parker
Hard Charger, Jaylon Mills
RACE WINNERS: Brandon Coffey
Jac Nickles 1
Colin Miller 1
RESULTS: Rod Henning, Jaylon
Mills, Anthony Haas, Cody
Trammell, Jeff Schindler, Jeremy
Huebner, Ethan Rutherford,
Colin Miller, Brandon Deputy,
Logan Anderson, Kayla Roell,
Keith Langley, Bryan Brewer,
Austin England, Alex Shipman,
Jac Nickles, Justin Davis, Erik
Norman, Brandon Coffey, Dean
START: Greg Dedrick Jr.
Tri-State Speedway Results 6-14-20 |
Sunday, June 14, 2020
Tri-State Speedway MMSA Spring Showdown!
25 entries.
Schafer Oil quick time: Ethan Rutherford
SPEC Racing Engine heat winners:
Jeff Schindler, Brandon Coffey , Ethan Rutherford
Rod End Supply Podium Feature event:
Keith Langley, Ethan Rutherford, Jaylon Mills
Keizer Aluminum Wheel, 5th place, Jac Nickles
(Parker) Wilwood Brakes, good break 7th, Drew
Dorsett (Parker) Saldana Racing Products, Lucky
13th, Matt Cogley (Holden) Hinchman top running
rookie, Jeremy Huebner Hoosier Speed, hard luck
of the race, Justin Davis Langley Hard Charger,
Alex Cogley
RACE WINNERS: Jeff Schindler-1 Brandon
Coffey-1 Ethan Rutherford-1
FEATURE RESULTS: Keith Langley, Ethan
Rutherford, Jaylon Mills, Jeff Schindler, Jac
Nickles, Anthony Haas, Drew Dorsett, Dean
Parker, Alex Cogley, Brandon Deputy, Logan
Anderson, Jeremy Huebner, Matt Cogley, Raymond
Holden, Kayla Roell, Anthony Adams, Greg Barnes,
Brandon Cascaden, Cale Medler, Justin Davis
UNABLE TO START: Mike Miles, Cody Trammell,
Greg Dedrick, Brandon Coffey, Ira McGill
Racing Update |
Update on MMSA.....
Sunday night, June 14th, will be the first race of
the 2020 season, (if all continues well).
The “Showdown” race will be at Tri-State Speedway in
Haubstadt, Indiana.
Bringing the cancelled spring event and summer
race into one, big night, Sunday night in June!
series will be in support of the USAC/MSCS
series event. This will be a winged event.
events leading up to this date has be canceled
or will be rescheduled.
Second night of MMSA will be part of the Sprint
Spectacular at Brownstown Speedway on Saturday
night June 20th.
Practice dates are pending at this time.
is on going discussions with tracks promoters
about other dates and or adding other potential
racing dates. Once those are finalized, we will
update the schedule as needed.
then be safe! Thanks for your continued
support of MMSA!
Good morning MMSA family and friends.
The early MMSA registration is now available. MMSA
memberships for 2020 will be $85. If you register
with MMSA before April 1st the cost of registration will
be $75.
Here is the link to become a MMSA member.
But wait there is more....USAC memberships are also
Those memberships are $150, that comes with driver
Here is the link to USAC memberships
Additional savings....by sending your MMSA membership
and a copy of your USAC membership
the cost of MMSA will be $65.
Thanks and good luck
Tri-State Speedway and the MSCS 2020 schedule |
Well I hope by now you all have seen that Tri-State
Speedway and the MSCS 2020 schedule is out and MMSA has
teamed up with Tri-State Speedway some 7 times this
season. Some shows of interest, five times with MSCS
sprints, twice with USAC sprints, once with USAC
midgets, once with WOO late models!
It was hard to keep this one under wraps till January
1st when we decided to release those dates....so here ya
all go Happy New Year!
Saturday November 9th
Night to celebrate and honor our 2019 Midwest Mini Sprint Association Champion, Cody Trammell, along with the top 20 in this years chase for the championship!
The banquet will be held at the indoor karting banquet room in French Lick, IN.
Doors 3:00
Eat 4:00
Awards 5:00 Race for the traveling trophy to follow awards ceremony!
Having a great response of RSVP's to this event already. Tickets are limited, if you have not contacted me, please do so at your earliest convenience.
As always driver or car owner must be present to accept any awards.
Thanks Kevin
Strunk wins season Finale... |
Strunk piloted his lightning sprint to yet another win
for 2019 to put the wraps on another season.
Twenty-two entries made their appearance to the famed
Tri-State Speedway Saturday night. Strunk would have a
perfect night, he won his prelim in dominate fashion and
then went to pace the field on 22 to the checkers for
the final time in 2019.
Brandon Smith and Anthony
Haas would lead the field to green. Haas would get the
jump on the field and lead the first section of the main
event followed closely by Rod Henning and Brad Strunk.
The trio would catch lap traffic early to help Rod
Henning would take the top spot, Strunk would move to
second. Strunk would eventually get the better of the
lap traffic to over haul Henning for the lead to cruise
to the final MMSA event of 2019. Top ten were Strunk,
Henning, Trammell, Haas, Jeff Schindler, Jaylon Mills,
Brandon Coffey, Brandon Smith, Cindy Chambers and Ethan
Rutherford. The feature evert went from green to
checkers in a matter of less then 5 minutes. Heat
race winners were, Strunk, Trammell, and Haas.
MMSA crowned their 2019 Champion also last evening, Cody
Trammell had a great year to win back to back series
titles. Strunk would finish second, with Brandon Coffey,
Anthony Haas and Keith Langley rounding out the top five
for 2019. The MMSA banquet will be Saturday night
November 9th at the French Lick Indoor Karting.
Gas City Speedway brings forth 26 MMSA/AMSA
Lightning Sprint cars
Gas City Speedway brings forth 26 MMSA/AMSA Lightning
Sprint cars with yet another first time Midwest Mini
Sprint Association (MMSA) winner in 2019. This time it
was Ottawa Ohio’s young gun, Ryan Moran to join the list
of MMSA feature winners.
Moran would roll of 5th
in his heat and race his way to a 2nd place heat finish.
His 2nd place finish would earn him a 3rd starting
position in the main event. Max Brannam and Brandon
Deputy would lead the full field of cars to the green.
Brannam would get the jump and lead the first few laps
before the red would fly with the roll over of Max
Cogley. He would refire and come back with a 13th place
The race would restart Brannam out front
with Jac Nickels ready to pounce, and when the
opportunity came Jac went to the point. As luck would
have it, Nickels would have to retire his entry with
steering mechanical issues while leading the main event.
With Nickels out of the event, this opened up the gates
for Ryan Moran and Cody Trammell to settle the main
event between themselves. Moran would set pace but
Trammell would not let him out of his sights. Lap after
lap Trammell would hound Moran but Moran would
consistantly run perfect laps. He would pick up his
first MMSA victory ahead of Trammell, AMSA regular Chris
Miller, Anthony Haas, Keith Langley, Chris Bounds,
Brandon Deputy, Howard McCormick, Brandon Coffey and
Adam Schmeck would round out the top 10.
were won by Brandon Deputy, Austin Powell and Jac
Next and final MMSA event of 2019 will
be October 19th at Tri-State Speedway
Thunder Valley Raceway Results |
Heat Race Winners: Jac Nickles Colin Miller
Feature Results: Cody Trammell Jac Nickles
Alex Cogley Ethan Rutherford Anthony Haas
Austin Powell Brandon Deputy Keith Langley
Colin Miller Brandon Coffey Cindy Chambers Matt
Cogley Travis Stickels Cody Beard Mike Farr
Couldn’t start: Justin Davis
Night 2 of the USAC/MMSA Lightning Sprint
Nationals goes to a first time MMSA winner, Jeff
Schindler! |
3 weeks earlier Schindler's car sat upside down in turn
one at Wayne County Speedway in Illinois, from an on
track incident leaving his car beat battered and broken.
"What 3 weeks difference makes" Schindler
exclaimed loudly with a lots of emotion as he sat in
victory lane Saturday night at Lincoln Park Speedway.
Drew Dorsett sat on pole for the main event, he
would lead every lap of the race, except for the last
foot before the checkers would fly. Schindler would
hound Dorsett nearly every lap. He would get the run off
turn 4 every time but would fall back in line as the
pair would get to the start finish line well, except for
the last. It seemed that he was saving it for the final
lap. Coming to the checkers Schindler would not fall
back in line he would stay top side and edge Dorsett by
a mere .02 of a second according to timing and scoring.
This would be Schindlers first ever win with the
Midwest Mini Sprint Association. Picking a great time
for his first win, came with 26 highly competitive
lightning sprints in quest for the lightning sprint
nationals event.
The USAC/MMSA Lightning Sprint
Champion was crowned at the conclusion on the night.
Cody Trammell after winning Friday night at Thunder
Valley Raceway and a 4th place Saturday, he claimed the
2019 Lightning Sprint Championship. With only 3 races
left in the 2019, Trammell has his eyes set on a back to
back series championship.
Prelims Saturday went
to Jake Hesson, Jeff Schindler, and Cody Trammell.
Top runners in the feature were, Jeff Schindler, Drew
Dorsett, Jac Nickles and Cody Trammel.
event is Friday night October 4th at Thunder Valley in
Salem, Indiana. Then Saturday night October 5th Gas City
Speedway and season ending event October 19th at
Tri-State Speedway. |
Twenty MMSA/USAC entries, from 3 states, were on
hand for night one of the Lightning Sprint Nationals at
Thunder Valley Raceway in Salem, Indiana. |
Crowd would be treated to 3 preliminary events. Those
prelims were won by Jake Hesson, Keith Langley, and Cody
Before the feature event for the MMSA teams, the drivers
joined track promoters, Steve and Misty Leonard, on
front straightaway and took time to take pictures with
the Thunder Valley Raceway couple. Upon completion
of the photo session 20 drivers turned to the crowd and
with joy, threw shirts, banners, and other great items
to the racing fans. Youngsters were treated with
checkered flags from the MMSA group. After a few driver
interviews with voice of MMSA, Shaun Waters, the drivers
strapped themselves in to their race cars.
feature would roll off, the great four wide salute
to the fans, the one to go single and away the 20
went into turn one.
Josh Hixson would lead them to the green. Jake
Hesson from row two would lead lap one. Cody Trammel
would reel him in to lead lap two. Cody would be
hounded by Brad Strunk on the high side trying to
get extra grip off the corner for the pass.
would fly with a single car spin in turn one.
Restart would go Trammell, Strunk, Hesson.
Trammell would have to drive a perfect race with
Strunk on his heals the entire event. The pair would
catch lap traffic, this giving Strunk the
opportunity he would need for any shot at the win.
Trammell would pass lapped cars on the high side,
Strunk would stay right with him. The white flag
would wave and the pair stayed nose to tail, with
Trammell edging Strunk by less than 1 second. A
masterful run from Brandon Smith would bring him
home 3rd after stsrting 9th. But Anthony Haas would
say, hold my beer, he started 19th and drove his way
to 10th to claim the hard charger for the night.
Top ten, Trammell, Strunk, Smith, Hesson, Miller,
Coffey, Rutherford, Chambers, Deputy, Haas.
Night two is tonight at Lincoln Park Speedway in
Putnamville, IN. Cody Trammell leads Brad Strunk for
the 2019 quest for the Championship by a narrow 4
point gap.
Lincoln Park Speedway Results |
Heat Race Winners: Cody Trammell Brad Strunk
Feature Results: Cody Trammell Brad Strunk
Brandon Coffey Anthony Haas Keith Langley Ethan
Rutherford Cindy Chambers Matt Beckwith Brandon
Deputy Austin Powell Brandon Smith Justin Davis
Travis Stickels Mike Farr Dean Parker Cody
Beard Greg Dedrick Jr.
Unable to Start:
Brandon Dailey |
Wayne County Speedway Results |
Heat Race Winners: Brandon Deputy Cody
Trammell Brad Strunk
Feature Results: Brad
Strunk Daltyn England Cody Trammell Brandon
Smith Brandon Deputy Ethan Rutherford Brandon
Coffey Dean Parker Raymond Holden Cody Beard
Dalton Bayer Logan Anderson Justin Davis Mike
Farr Keith Langley Kinser Medler Jeff Schindler
Greg Dedrick Jr. Dylan Moan Parker Baumeyer
Couldn’t Start: Anthony Haas
Bloomington Speedway Results |
Heat Race Winners: Cody Trammell Keith Langley
Brad Strunk
Feature Winners: Dean Parker
Brad Strunk Cody Trammell Keith Langley Brandon
Deputy Anthony Haas Ethan Rutherford Cindy
Chambers Travis Stickles Josh Hixson Dalton
Bayer Raymond Holden Mike Farr Greg Dedrick Jr
Justin Davis Jeff Schindler Brandon Coffey Matt
Beckwith Cody Beard
Couldn’t Start: Jason
Mills Jim Reynolds
Brad Strunk wins at Thunder Valley Raceway. |
Brad Strunk turned a bad night into another yet another
MMSA win. Brad would have mechanical issues in his
preliminary event Friday night at Thunder Valley. These
issues would make Strunk’s night a bit of a more hurdle
to over come.
Heat one would be all Brandon
Coffey as he would lead all 8 laps ahead of Ethan
Rutherford and Cody Beard.
Heat two would be one
to just finish the race to move on. Couple mini sprints
would find themselves upside down in this event. Casey
Meyer and Jason Mills got together and both ended up on
their sides. Both uprighted and would walk away from
their cars. Cody Trammel would win heat two over Travis
Stickels and the ailing car of Strunk.
Heat three
Brandon Deputy set pace over Jake Hesson and Keith
Langley to the checkers.
Completion of heat races
would now set feature starting field. Row one would be
Stickels and Hesson, row two Deputy and Coffey, row
three with highest passing points would be Jeff
Schindler and Trammel. The nineteen car field would
race into turn one, Tim light would get into the Haas
car and start a series of rolls and twists. Tim would be
fine but dejected. The restart would see Stickels jump
out front for a lap, Trammel would make quick work to
get his machine to the front. Trammel would lead several
circuits before his engine would expire. This left
Stickels at the point for the next several laps before
he experienced fuel pick up issues. Now upfront would be
Ethan Rutherford he would lead several laps before he
started to experience engines problems also. The
forementioned bad night for Brad Strunk just gotten a
lot brighter as he, from the 9th starting position would
put his entry out front for the last 3 laps of the
feature event to claim yet another MMSA feature event.
The top ten were; Strunk, Coffey, Rutherford, Langley,
Parker, Beard, Haas, Chambers, Schindler, and Meyer.
Next MMSA event will be at Bloomington Speedway of
Friday night August 30th, followed by August 31st at
Wayne County Speedway.
Henning best at Twin Cities Raceway! |
Ohio's Rod Henning took
the checkers Saturday night at Twin Cities Raceway park.
He would be the 6th different winner in 2019 in 11
events to date.
This by far would be the toughest field of
competitors in 2019. Had a stacked field of 22 lighting
sprints with many heat and feature winners. Two top
contenders also would field two cars with some great
talent behind the wheel.
Rod Henning would be one of those fore mentioned
cars, driving for Strunk Racing in the 2s hot rod.
He would win the heat and feature both. Anthony Haas
would also have two entries Saturday, with Jake
Hesson piloting the 81jh car. All 4 of these two
team cars would finish top two in there respective
preliminary events.
Heat race number one would go to Brandon Coffey
followed by Anthony Haas, and Jeff Schindler.
Heat race two would see Rod Henning setting pace
over Jake Hesson and Keith Langley. Heat race
three went to Drew Dorsett, with Brad Strunk and
Cody Trammell in tow.
The feature would roll out 20 strong, 22 were
tabbed to go but the 81jh car while sitting in the
line up shoot would experience an oil leak, which
would end his night of racing action. Mike Farr
would not make the call due to an earlier accident
in heat action.
Strunk and Haas would set the pace for the start
with Henning and Coffey row two and the best on
passing points for the evening was Dorsett starting
in row three. Strunk would get the jump on the field
and lead the first 5 laps. His team car would over
take him in turns 3 and 4 on the low side after a
few attempts to try the high side of the speedway.
Henning would hold the top position and become
another first for 2019 MMSA feature winner to add to
his many other past feature wins. Top ten for Saturday included, Henning, Strunk,
Trammell, Langley, Nickels, Dorsett, Schindler,
Deputy, Powell, and Haas.
The next MMSA event will be August 16th at
Thunder Valley Raceway in Salem Indiana.
Kinser Medler breaks through as the newest first
time MMSA winner at Lincoln Park Speedway... |
I have a dream, that on one hot summer day I can go to the
racetrack with my family, (racing family is our
lively hood), I have a dream, that
when I arrive at the track I can get a good pill
draw for my preliminary event, (number 2),
I have a dream, that the good pill draw
carries over to a dominate preliminary win, (first
place in heat) I have a dream,
that I can race for 20 laps with some of the best
racers in the area to claim my first ever Midwest
Mini Sprint Association feature event, (first MMSA
feature win)
Well this dream is no longer a dream, it is now reality for the 17
year old Albion/West Salem Illinois racer Kinser
Medler as he joins the long list of MMSA feature
event winners!
This is no easy task to join the elite, Kinser had to battle some
very tough competition. The likes of
a past USAC Lightning Sprint Champion, Rod Henning!
The likes of a past series MMSA Lightning Sprint
Champion, Cody Trammell! The likes of
a past series champions in their own elite class and
ranks in other series and organizations, Brad
Strunk, Travis Stickels, and Dean Parker! Along with
many up and coming winners in this series.
Kinser would ride his little puddle jumper motor cycle to the MMSA
trailer to pull a number 2 for the nights
preliminary event. This putting him P1 in heat two
for the nights racing action at Lincoln Park. Kinser
would be challenged in his heat for the win by young
Austin Powell and Rod Henning. Kinser would take
heat two and by MMSA rules he would start 4th in the
main event.
Heat one would test and see how close the MMSA racing families
commitment to the sport really is....for on lap 5,
the 8E8 car, Ethan Rutherford, would get in the back
of the ailing 14L machine of Tim Light and do a
series of barrel rolls on the front straightaway. To
the crowds pleasure, Ethan would walk away from his
badly damaged ride. The long walk across the infield
to the pit area was met by the MMSA four wheeler and
Dustin in turn 3 to give him a lift to his pit area.
Before the car ever arrived to his pit stall
there were several guys from several other teams,
and members from past years, Vermillion boys, ready
to put their own helping hands together to help
repair the car for the main event. While in
Rutherfords pit area, the car owner and driver of
the 14L, Jim Reynolds and Tim Light, comes over, and
offers help and what ever was needed off of their
car was offered. Rutherfords wing would take the
brunt of the wreck, in less than 10 minutes the
14L's wing was setting in the Rutherford pit area
ready to put on car when needed. Nice sportsmanship
from Reynolds and Light. Many other teams brought
tools, parts, and more to the rescue. Eventually it
was determined the 14L wing would not work,
therefore the alternative was to use the mangled 8E8
wing to make the main event happen for Ethen. With a
tow strap and wire and who knows what else they
used, the work was completed and the car looked like
something from the land down under.....thanks to all
that helped Ethan!!!!!!
So heat two would be come to close with Keith Langley winning with
Colin Miller and Cindy Chambers rounding out the top
The main event was set with Austin Powell and Cindy Chambers being
the lucky two with the passing point inversion in
their favor in row one. Row two would be Henning and
Medler, and most passing points going to Keith
Langley and Collin Miller to set row three. Powell
would get the jump on Chambers at the start to lead
the first 13 circuits around the 1/4 mile dirt track
in Putnamville, IN. Austin would be challenged by
Medler and Henning while navigating through lap
traffic. Lap 14, Medler would pass Powell in traffic
in turns one and two. Lap 16 the one and only
caution would fly for a mid pack challenge between
two drivers, Chambers and Coffey, going for the same
piece of real estate. Not enough real estate to go
around, left the Chambers car sitting in turn 3 in
the wrong direction, as the car was righted, track
officials and MMSA officials determined the Chambers
car had some assistance, therefore both Chambers and
Coffey would be directed to the tail of the field.
The final 4 laps would be a nail biter as Powell
peeked several times to the inside of Medler with
Henning pounding the cushion and nearly stole the
victory on the high side.
Medler would take the win and be greeted in victory lane with his
family and friends. I could not resist, so after
clearing the second and third place car at scales, I
joined the celebration on the front straight and
took my first photo ever with a MMSA victor while in
victory lane!
After the exciting, so called wing dance, interview and all pictures
taken, Medler still had to clear weight and tech.
After a brief, but probably what felt like and an
internity, moment at the scales the car passed tech.
Congrats to our newest first time MMSA
feature winner, Kinser Medler!
Top 10 were Medler, Powell, Henning, Langley,
Trammell, Strunk, Miller, Coffey, Parker, and
Schindler. The car from down under
(8E8) would make 5 green flag laps and pull it pit
Side note....Not every night goes in your favor, but we all must keep
in mind we are doing something we all love...racing!
I would not give up anything for the fun and
friendship I have gained thru the 49 years of
racing. So lets all keep in mind, next
time things go array, there are less unfortunate
people in this world, that that would give nearly
anything to do what you all do!
Thanks to all for making MMSA to what it is....
Brad Strunk Racing tames Tri-State Speedway |
Brad Strunk Racing tames Tri-State
Speedway....and 26 other winged mini sprints for yet
another victory! Brad Strunk continues his dominance in the Midwest
Mini Sprint Association for the 2019 racing season.
Brad set par for the night by taking his
heat win in style. BSR also had a second car in
competition with Rod Henning behind the wheel, which
would go on to take heat 3 win. The only race that
BSR did not win Saturday night was heat 2, because
there was not a BSR car in that preliminary. Cody
Trammell would take heat 2 and place himself right
between the 2 BSR cars for the main event.
The feature event would roll off with a pair of
unexpected cars setting on the front row, thus
giving both of them their best opportunity of 2019
to pick up a MMSA feature event. Cindy Chambers
would start P1 and lead the field to the green. Her
lead would be eaten up in short matter with P2
starter Chris Baumeyer. By the end of lap one Brad
Strunk would have gotten by both Chambers and
Baumeyer to lead lap one. Strunk would lead his
teammate, Rod Henning, for several circuits. On lap
10 Cody Trammell would make his way around Henning
and set his sights on Strunk. Strunk would catch lap
traffic not once but 3 times, as Trammell was ready
to pounce the caution would fly. Strunk would run 20
perfect laps to claim yet another victory in 2019.
Top ten for Saturday would include Strunk. Trammell,
Henning, Chambers, Coffey, Smith, Schindler,
Baumeyer, Powell and Moan. Brandon Coffey would pick
up the hard charger award, starting 18th and
finishing 5th. A plus 13 positions is a great
accomplishment on any track.
Congrats to all competitors for a good night
of racing. Next MMSA event will be Saturday July 20th at
Lincoln Park Speedway.
Anthony Haas wins first ever MMSA event at Gas
City Speedway this past Saturday night! |
Anthony Haas wins first ever MMSA event at Gas City
Speedway this past Saturday night! He would
take advantage of his P1 starting position to lead all
20 laps that went from green to checkers in less than 5
minutes! Haas would lead Jac Nickles, Brad Strunk,
Cody Trammell, Chris Bounds to the checkers.
Preliminary races went to Keith Langley and Chris
Next MMSA event is Saturday night July
13th at Tri-State Speedway.
Strunk Wins Brownstown |
congrats going out to Brad Strunk on his victory
last night at the famed Brownstown Speedway. Brad
out-bested 25 MMSA Lightning Sprints last evening to
claim yet another victory in the series. Brad would
finish second in his preliminary event behind young gun
Austin Powell. With Austin’s great performance in heat
action would put him with most passing points on the
evening. Other heat winners were Cody Trammell and Dean
Parker. Family on the road to Charlotte NC for a few
days, before returning Thursday night to Paragon
Speedway with the MSCS crew for a July 4th event, and
then we turn around to Bloomington Speedway Friday night
with MMSA, and then Gas City on Saturday for a back back
nights for MMSA. Thanks to all for continued support
of the MMSA series. Oh ya
congrats to the MMSA incentive winners, Casey
Meyer, Jac Nichols, Keith Arvin!
Trammell strikes again at Thunder Valley
Raceway. |
Current point leader of the Midwest Mini Sprint
Association, Cody Trammell took Thunder Valley by storm
Friday night. Trammell would have near a perfect night,
first he wins heat two and then rolls on in the feature.
With the heat win, that would make him the best in
passing points for the night, putting him 6th in the
A-Main. The front row would consist of a MMSA rookie,
Cody Beard, and the youngest MMSA racer Jac Nickels.
Nickels would jump out front and lead the competition
for many laps on the tricky black slicken dirt track. He
would lead Brad Strunk, Cody Beard, Cody Trammell for
the first half of the race. Trammell would get pass the
always fast, Strunk to take over second. He would go on
and hound young Nicklels lap after lap! The two would
catch lap traffic on lap 15! This would be the time the
experience of Trammell would prevail. Trammell took
total advantage of the situation to pass Nickels and set
sail to yet another victory in 2019. Heat 1, Strunk,
Haas, Chambers, Coffey, Rutherford, Stickles, Langley,
Mills, and McGill Heat 2, Trammell, Deputy, Nickels,
Beard, Mills, Hayhurst, Meadows, Farr, and.. Feature,
Trammell, Nickels, Strunk, Coffey, Deputy, Beard,
Langley, Rutherford, Stickles, Haas, Chambers, Mills,
Hayhurst, Meadows, Farr, McGill, Mills, and a dns.
The feature would go from green to checkers in a matter
of 6 minutes and 22 seconds to complete the MMSA feature
Next MMSA event will be Friday June 21st
at Twin City Speedway
Last night MMSA visited the beautiful, red clay
of Bloomington Speedway. |
Not only did we have the chance to
entertain the thousands in attendance for the NOS Energy
Midget Series, we also were streaming live on
FloRacing.com to thousands more across the world. Our
drivers did not disappoint and put on a great show for
everyone watching both at the track and across the
nation. Both nights we had 25-26 in attendance!
Heat number one gave Kinser Medler
the opportunity to stretch the legs on the backup car
(that he didn't intend on using for this weeks racing
action) and, after some changes from the night before it
proved to be a rocket. Kinser had some stiff competition
in heat one with the likes of multi-time winners Brad
Strunk and Brandon Coffey. However, Kinser jumped out to
a lead and never looked back, winning heat number one.
Heat two brought a new face to
ranks of heat race victory lane. Adam Schmenk went from
a car in shambles, being lifted onto a trailer a mere
eleven hours before, to winning his heat and picking up
his first ever MMSA heat race victory. He had the strong
cars of Cody Trammell and Ryan Barr chasing him down but
they weren't able to catch Schmenk.
Heat three had the 14 year old Jac
Nickles piloting the yellow number 31 to victory after
coming off his first ever feature win in a mini sprint
the night before at Lincoln Park Speedway..
Our feature was set, once we did
our invert, and we found two of the strongest lightning
sprints in the country on the front row. Cody Trammell
and Brad Strunk were the first to see the green flag
drop as they came off the historic turn number four of
the Bloomington Speedway, where so many battles have
been won and lost. It didn't take long for Brad Strunk
to jump out to an early lead, only to find himself
sitting on the outside of the back stretch facing the
wrong way after making contact with an ailing car coming
off of turn two. Cody Trammell then took over the lead
and though Ryan Barr was able to close the gap several
times he just was not able to overtake him. Trammell
would go on to win at his home track once again.
On a personal note from Shaun
Waters:The last two nights have been some of the best
racing we have seen across the country and we have to
thank our drivers for that! You have made it so much fun
to be able to call the action on the track and really
show fans across the country how great lightning sprint
racing can be. I know not all of you knew it was being
streamed across the world but you should hold your head
high as the fans were treated to two amazing nights of
lightning sprint action. I had the opportunity to
announce with some of the absolute best in the business
the last two nights and after talking with them I know
you all should be proud.
Next event we will hear Dustin's
point of view of racing recap!
Youngest driver in
MMSA history takes the checkers on night one of
Lightning Sprint Week! |
Midwest Mini Sprint Association saw it's youngest driver
to date win his first feature event at Lincoln Park
Speedway in Putnamville, IN. That stat was previously
held by Seth Motsinger at the age of 15.
Fourteen year old Jac Nickles started on the pole
position and held that spot for the entire 20 lap
feature event. Jac started the night out, starting in
the sixth position in his preliminary and raced to a 3rd
place finish. By MMSA rules of passing points would set
him up for a night he will always remember, starting P1
in feature!
Jac would get the jump on the
field from his front row starting position in his N.W.O.
Property Services, RCS Construction, T&D Interiors, R.D.
Jones Excavating. Tim's Landscaping, Shawnee Manor, KPM
Motorsports, C&M Building Maintenance and Ricker Repair
Service backed sprinter to lead the first 8 laps. The
red flag would wave for the 9 car of Casey Meyers. Casey
tried to avoid a spinning car and as he went high on the
track he would jump the berm and do a series of barrel
rolls in turn two. Casey would walk away uninjured.
The restart would put Nickles, Trammell, Schindler, and
Langley lined up nose to tail to try to over haul the
youngster. Four laps would go by with Jac leading and
Trammell right on his heels trying the high side then
the low sign with no success. The caution would fly for
the second time. The restart had to be nerve racking for
the young lad knowing he had Trammell and a looming
Keith Langley ready to strike at moments notice. The
race would go another 4 laps before the third and final
caution flag, for the 2s machine of Brad Strunk losing
his chain off his ride.
Jac would have to do it all
over again, but this time he would have his hands full
of a red 26 machine of Langley. With 3 laps to go
Langley found something on the top shelf to run down and
over haul second from Trammell and set his sights on the
youngster up front. Langley would get to the tail of the
leader and was looking to over take that spot before
Langley made choice he would regret, he gave up the high
side. He went low side in 3 and 4 and nearly looped it.
He would regain his composure back on top side, but it
would only prove to be too late. Jac would take the win
with Langley less than a second behind for the runner up
spot. Following the top two to the line were, Trammell,
Schindler, Powell, Deputy, Haas, Medler, Rutherford. and
Parker. Quick note on the Anthony Hass car, he started
23rd on the field of 25 and finished in the top 10, nice
run Haas!
Preliminary events saw Jeff Schindler out best Trammell
and Nickels in heat 1. Heat 2 saw another young hot shoe
Austin Powell take the win over the veteran Travis
Stickels and Brandon Coffey. The 3rd and final heat
Brandon Deputy showed the field the 19 car knows its way
to the front also by claiming his first MMSA victory
with Keith Langley and another young gun Kinser Medler
in tow.
A great night of racing for the first of three nights on
the dirt. Friday night the MMSA series will run at
Bloomington Speedway and turn south Saturday to fill the
weekend of racing at Tri-State Speedway, to claim the
first Lightning Sprint Week winner!
Thanks to all for the support of MMSA!
Along comes Lightning Sprint
Mini Week! 3 days, 3 tracks, 3 complete shows!
Thursday June 6th Lincoln Park Speedway USAC
Midgets, Sprints, and MMSA
Friday June 7th
Bloomington Speedway USAC Midgets, Sprints, MMSA
Saturday June 8th
Sprints, UMP Modifieds, MMSA
All three events are
winged style! |
Memorial Day Wrap Up... |
Sunday night at Tri-State Speedway for the second race
of the special weekend had 25 MMSA entries take the
green flag on the 1/4 dirt track in Haubstadt, IN. The
crowd would enjoy 3 preliminaries to set the field for
the 20 lap feature event.
Heat one would see young Jaylon Mills, out of Winslow
IN, get the jump on the field in his Mills Powder
Coating, Crate Enterprises, Triple J Hauling, Lugnutz
Bar and Grille, and Dutchtown Homes hot rod. He would
take heat one with a green to checkered victory to claim
his first win with MMSA. Following Jaylon across the
line would be Cody Trammell, and Cindy Chambers to
complete the first of three preliminaries.
Heat two, Ohio's Brad Strunk would keep his winning
streak alive and well by taking the second preliminary
by storm after starting in row three. With his Parsons
Construction backed ride, dominating heat win would
stake him with most passing points for the evenings
preliminaries. Following Strunk to the line would be
Dylan Moan, and Anthony Haas.
Heat three saw another racer throwing his hat into
the ring and making a statement that he his here to make
some noise, and is ready to taste the thrill of victory.
Evansville IN, Ethan Rutherford drove his Yonkers,
Henchcraft, AFCO Products, and Speedway Motors lightning
sprint to the front and set sail on the field. He would
win his preliminary by nearly a straightaway over Keith
Langley and Kinzer Medler.
With heat races in the rearview mirror, the stage is
now set for the 25 Lightning Sprints to saddle up for a
20 lap feature event. The field would take the green
flag with Keith Langley and Dylan Moan in row one and a
stacked field ready to pounce behind them. Moan would
jump to the front to lead the first 3 circuits, with
Strunk, Langley, Rutherford and Trammel in tow.
Lap 4 saw Strunk work his magic to take over the top
spot for the next 11 laps. His magic was working great
until he caught the tail end of the field. With many
entries taking the green, lap markers would make it
quite interesting for the leaders. Strunk would work the
traffic in true great fashion, but as he was focused on
the back markers this left time for second place Cody
Trammell to chew into his lead. Strunk would go high,
then he would go low, passing cars at will, until....Strunk
caught a gaggle of cars running 2 and 3 wide. Trammell
saw this was his time to make the move. Bringing the
fans to their feet with the pass. With Strunk low,
Trammel shot high in turns 1 and 2! As they continued
out of 2, Trammell threaded the needle between 2 back
markers and Strunk to jump out front. Thus left Strunk
racing even harder to recapture the top spot. The
caution would fly on lap 15 to give just that
opportunity that he needed, but Cody Trammel was just a
tick better on the last five laps to claim his first
feature of 2019. Top ten in Sundays event were Trammell,
Strunk, Schindler, Moan, Langley, Mehler, Rutherford,
Smith, Parker, and Barr.
MMSA is idle this coming weekend, but has a 3 night
stent for their own Lightning Sprint Week along side the
USAC midget week on Thursday June 6th Lincoln Park
Speedway, Friday June 7th Bloomington Speedway and will
end Lightning Sprint Week at Tri-State Speedway on June
8th to crown the Lightning Sprint Week Champion.
Memorial Day Wrap up Race one! |
The place was Wayne County Raceway in Wayne City,
Illinois. This would be the first ever visit the 1/5
mile dirt track in southern Illinois for the Midwest
Mini Sprint Association.
The fans would not be disappointed, 20 MMSA
lightning sprints made tow. The slate would be 3 ten lap
heat races and the 20 lap feature event.
Heat one saw Anthony Hass and Cody Trammel dual it
out for the victory in the first of 3 heats. Cody
would be successful at his bid to be the first MMSA
lightning sprint to take the checkers at Wayne
County Raceway. Top 3 in heat one Trammell, Haas,
and one of the newest MMSA members, Logan Anderson.
2 saw a very talented sprint car racer Terry Babb
jump aboard a lightning sprint to lead a very
stacked heat race. Stacked race must say again the
heat race went from green to checkers and could have
thrown a blanket over the entire field. Babb would
lead the field to checkers with Brad Strunk, Brandon
Coffey, Ryan Barr, Brandon Smith and Dylan Moan all
in tow.
Heat 3 saw yet another new MMSA member strut his
stuff. Tres Mehler would start in position 1 and
finish in position 1, with veteran Travis Stickels,
and Keith Langley hot on his tail.
All 20 cars would make the call come feature time.
Many wondered if the 5m machine would return for the
feature event. Ira McGill during the hot lap action
bicycled in turn 1 and had a very scary flip into
the turn 1-2 catch fence. As the McGill ride flipped
everyone could hear the throttle stick wide open as
he came crashing back down onto the track.
As seen many times in the past, many MMSA
drivers helped McGill get his ride repaired in time
for the feature event.
Haas and Langley would lead the field to the
green in row one, row two had Strunk and Mehler, and
row 3 Baugh and Trammell with most passing points
filling that row.
Haas would jump out front for several laps as
Strunk made quick work getting to him. Strunk would
overhaul Haas and put a strangle hold on the top
spot for the remaining circuits. Following Strunk to
the checkers would be, Haas, Trammell, Langley,
Coffey, Barr, Moan, Rutherford, Smith, and Deputy.
This would be Strunk's second victory in the 2019
season and holding that top spot in the Chase for
the Hoosier Tire/MMSA Championship!
MMSA is idle this coming weekend, but has a 3 night
stent for their own Lightning Sprint Week along side
the USAC midget week on Thursday June 6th Lincoln
Park Speedway, Friday June 7th Bloomington Speedway
and will end Lightning Sprint Week at Tri-State
Speedway on June 8th to crown the Lightning Sprint
Week Champion.
Memorial Day Weekend
Memorial Day Weekend Double MMSA events!
Saturday Saturday Saturday First
time MMSA invades Wayne County Speedway in
Wayne City Illinois! May 24 Gates
3:00 Races 7:00 $600 ... $100 to start
A main
Sunday Sunday Sunday
Tri-State Speedway MAY 26 - MEMORIAL
6:00, Races 7:30 PM. Tickets: Adults
$20, Students (ages 13-18) $15, 12 &
under FREE. Military discount: $5 off
valid military ID. Grandstands open 4:30,
Pit Gate 3:30. Sponsored by JOE
Saturday night at Thunder Valley Raceway |
Midwest Mini Sprint Association
finally got their season started
this past Saturday night at
Thunder Valley Raceway in Salem,
MMSA was 0-7 with mother nature
going into this past weekend.
Some 14 entries made their way
to the little dirt track in
Mason, Illinois driver Andy
Baugh, drove his Jonnies Garage
backed sprinter to the front and
would take the first of two
preliminaries. Coming across the
line behind Baugh was Cody
Trammell, and Ethan Rutherford
round out top 3.
Heat two saw Brad Strunk hailing
from Mason, Ohio, taking his
Parsons Construction, Priority
Title, NRL Mortgage, Penn
Station, Hud Racing Engines,
Simpson, Hoosier Tires, and
Xcaliber Graphics ride and lead
all 8 laps from his front row
starting position. Following
Strunk to the checkers were Barr
and Haas to complete the prelims
for the evening.
Completion of the heat race
sets up the A-main starting
grid with both heat winners
starting from the 3 row due
to the results passing
points. Ohio would represent
the front row with Anthony
Haas and Ryan Barr, with
Trammell and Rutherford row
two and the fore mentioned
Baugh and Strunk row three.
Barr would get the jump on
the field to lead the first
3 laps. Baugh and Strunk
would run Barr down and put
on a great show for the top
spots with the looming
They would swap spots
several times, the caution
would fly when Barr would
loop it in turn one and
collecting a couple of cars.
The race would restart but a
red flag would halt the
racing in a flash, with
Kinzer Medler would get tied
up on the start and putting
his car on its side. Restart
three would see the top
three swapping the top 3
spots each lap.
Lap 19 of 20 Baugh taking
the white flag and a nose
ahead of Strunk. Baugh would
catch the inside tractor
tire on the track in turn
one and ending his night
upside down. Strunk would
get a great restart and lead
the final lap of the season
opener for MMSA. Strunk
picks up the first MMSA
checkers of the year
followed by Trammell,
Coffey, Haas, Chambers,
Rutherford, Deputy, Baugh,
Beard, and Medler filling
out the top 10.
MMSA is back in action
Memorial Day weekend with a
double header, Wayne County
Raceway in Illinois on
Saturday May 25th and
Tri-State Speedway on Sunday
May 26th.
2019 Schedule |
2019 Schedule has been posted
Payout has been posted on the schedule page.